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Training Mode in Orderry

Find out how to turn on the Training mode to get acquainted with the Orderry system

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 4 months ago

Meet Orderry separate training mode for users.

On the upper right corner click the Help button and check the Training mode checkbox.

Please note: this is an individual setting for each employee.

The short tours and hints will appear on each page. Which helps the learning process to pass smoothly.

Please note, that the Training Mode is automatically activated for each new user.

Important: the training mode is available only for the desktop version.

You can always find out about the latest updates in What's new, get additional information in the Help Center or contact us via Chat to Support. To do this, click the Help button, and select the action.

How do I turn off the support chat button?

By default, everyone has a support chat button in the bottom right corner.

To disable it, click the Help button and uncheck the “Display support chat button” box.

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