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Gift Certificates

Learn how to set up and manage Gift Certificates in Orderry

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 11 months ago

Many companies use gift certificates as a payment system — a client can buy a gift certificate for a particular amount of money, and another client can use this certificate for purchases.

How to Add Gift Certificates to Orderry

1. Post certificates as products on the Inventory > Posting page. You can specify your company as a supplier. Create individual product profiles for different amounts of certificates. E.g., create three product profiles: Certificate 50, Certificate 100, and Certificate 200.

Note: Make these products serialized so you can create a unique serial number for each certificate and, as a result, see its history and ensure that it is authentic.

Please note that if your company's certificates can expire, specify their expiration dates in the product profile in the Warranty to Client field.

The purchase price of the certificate is equal to 0 (zero), and the retail price of the certificate is equal to its face value.

2. Next, print the certificates. You can do it directly from the posting—click Print and select Labels printing.

Print the labels and stick them on the certificates, or download the file as a PDF and send it to a print shop.

Please note that the label template must contain the {Barcode} variable because it displays the unique serial number as a barcode.

How to Sell a Gift Certificate

1. On the Sales page, create a sale to a client and add a Certificate product with the needed face value at a retail price.

These products are serialized, so you can scan the serial number from the physical certificate to add the one you plan to sell.

2. Complete the sale and accept the payment for the certificate.

How to Use Gift Certificates

When a client wants to exchange a gift certificate for your products or services, you can proceed as follows:

1. First of all, make sure that the certificate is authentic and valid. Scan its serial number on the Sales or Inventory pages. As a result, you will see the sale of this certificate and the date of sale, so you can understand whether the certificate is valid.

If the certificate is authentic and valid, you can proceed to the next step.

2. Credit the amount of the certificate to the client's balance. Navigate to the client's profile (who wants to pay with the certificate), open the Balance tab, and click the + Adjustment button. Next, set the value to "Payable" and specify the amount equal to the certificate face value. Finish creating the balance adjustment.

3. First, let's consider the option when the amount of the sale or work order is less than or equal to the face value of the certificate. Add the products and services the client needs and complete the sale. Select the "Due to balance" payment method in the payment. If necessary, you can comment on the sale with the certificate number.

That's it! You have settled with this client, the sale contains information about the certificate, and everything has been done correctly on the financial accounting side. If the amount of the sale or work order is less than the face value of the certificate, the client will have the difference on their balance. In this case, you can decide whether to leave this amount as a discount for the next sales and work orders or to make a balance adjustment in the client's profile so that the balance displays the "You`re settled up" status.

Now, let's consider the option when the amount of the sale or work order exceeds the face value of the certificate. In this case, use the work order functionality because it allows you to create payments before closing work orders.

The first 2 steps are the same (checking the certificate and crediting the certificate amount to the client's balance).

Next, add products and services for the amount that is greater than the amount of the certificate. Update the work order with a status from the "Done" group.

Now, open the Payments and Invoices tab and click the Prepayment button. In the client's profile, you will see how much they owe you, and this is the amount you should specify in the payment. This will be the amount that includes the certificate because we have already credited the amount of the certificate to the client's balance.

Done! Thus, we made an additional payment from the client for the difference between the amount of the certificate and the amount of the work order. So at this point, we have settled with the client.

Now close the work order "Due to balance" because you have already paid this client.

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