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How to remove a location?
How to remove a location?

Instructions for removing a location

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Select the location on the Settings > Locations page and press the “Remove” button.

There are 3 reasons why you may be unable to remove your location:

  • You are currently in the location you are trying to remove;

  • Location warehouses are not empty (non-zero stock).

  • The balance at the location's cashbox is not zero.

1. Unable to remove the current location

To fix this error, go to the Workflows, Sales, Finance, or Inventory page and change the location to another one.

Then, navigate to the Settings > Locations page and try removing your location again.

2. Unable to remove. There are products in the location warehouses

Remove products from location warehouses to fix the issue. Here's how you can do it:

  • Set “All products” and “In stock only” filters on the Inventory > Stock page.

  • Use the “Checkbox” column to select all products (the program remembers the choice and you can select products from several pages);

  • Hit the “Actions” button and select the “Write-off” or “Transfer” option.

As soon as you clear the location warehouses, switch the current location, navigate to the Settings > Location page and try removing the location again.

3. Cannot delete this location. There is money in the location cashboxes.

To fix this error, go to the Finance > Payments section and move funds from the cash desk that is linked to the location you want to delete.

After that, go to the Settings > Locations page and repeat the deletion.

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