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Service Categories

Find out how to set up service categories in Orderry

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 7 months ago

Categorizing the services or works into categories speeds up the search and helps to structure the Services and Labors list.

A service category is a set of services of a certain class. The "Categories" table looks like a tree and each service or labor is assigned to a category.

According to the basic settings, there is the "All labors and services" category in Orderry which cannot be edited or deleted. Other categories and subcategories can be created or edited in this main category.

How to Create a New Category

Creating a category on the My company > Services page

Step 1. Click the + Category button.

Step 2. Specify a category name and its Parent category.

Using the parent category you can build a tree of categories. This field is searchable so you can quickly find the parent category you need.

E.g., Create a "Laptop repair" category and specify "All labors and services" as its parent category. Afterward, create the categories "Apple" and "ASUS" and choose "Laptop repair" as their parent category.

Further, you can select a parent category on the left and click + Category. Thus, the selected parent category will be automatically placed in the relevant field.

Step 3. If necessary, set an exceptional commission for selling or completing a labor from this category in a work order. Learn more about how exceptional commissions work here.

Step 4. Click the Create button.

Creating a category when creating a new service/labor

If you didn't find the category you need when creating a new service or labor, you can create a new category directly in the service profile.

Step 1. Click the + Category button next to the relevant field.

Step 2. Specify a name, select a parent category, and click Create.

Category Table

After you add services and labors, the list of categories will show their number.

Please note that the number of services and labors in subcategories may not be the same as the parent category because the parent category may also have its own services and labors.

Click on the category name to display the list of services and labors it includes to the right.

To move a category, tap and drag it to another parent category.

Editing and Deleting a Category

To edit or delete a category, double-click the category name. Make and save changes or click the delete button.

Important: you can't remove the category you're using. So first you have to move all the services/labors from this category to another. Here's how to change the category.

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