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Edit taxes in documents

Learn how to edit documents in work orders, sales and estimates

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 7 months ago

In Orderry, you can manually change taxes in a work order, sales or estimate.

To do this, the employee must have the "Can edit taxes in documents" permission enabled in the Settings > Employees > Roles section of the settings.

Documents in which you can edit taxes:

  • Work Orders;

  • Estimates;

  • Sales;

  • Posting.

1. Open the document in which you want to change taxes for a product or service.

2. Select the item in the document for which you want to change the tax and open editing.

3. In the Taxes section, you can:

  • Replace an existing tax;

  • Add a new tax for a product or service;

  • Delete the applied tax.

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