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Estimates in a Orderry app

Estimates options in the mobile application

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated this week

Estimates in Orderry are used to conveniently create quotations or preliminary estimates for customers and convert them into work orders.

Important: If you want to use estimates, you need to enable the “Can add products without deduction” checkbox on the Settings > Employees > Roles page.

Creating an estimates

To create an estimate in the mobile app:

  1. Open the Work Orders section and switch to the Estimate tab.

2. Click “+” in the upper corner of the screen and you will open the window for creating a estimate.

3. Select the Work Order type to create the estimate.

Work Order type - a field that allows you to configure and use different forms of work orders/estimate.

Since the estimate is a preliminary state of the work order, you can use the same types for both estimates and work orders. If necessary, you can create separate types for estimates and customize their own forms. Learn more about creating and customizing work order/estimates types in this article.

  1. Fill in all the necessary information about the customer, product, etc.

  2. Add a service and/or product to the estimate by clicking “+ Service” or “+ Product”.

Please note that all the products you add to the estimate are not written off from the warehouse. You can write off the products after you convert the estimate to a work order.

  1. Click “Save”. The created estimate will be saved and displayed in the general table.

Working with the estimate

If necessary, you can change the information in the created estimate: customer, products and services, asset, location, payer, and additional information.

Swiping on the estimate to the left opens the event feed, which displays the changes made.

Events cannot be deleted from the feed, so you can see everything that has happened to the estimate.

The following events are recorded here:

  • change of status, type, date of estimate readiness;

  • change of the client, location, manager or contractor in the estimate;

  • Adding/removing services and products in the estimate;

  • adding a comment, photo, or document to an estimate;

  • creating a task for the estimate (a crossed-out task is a completed task);

  • sending an SMS with a message;

  • information about the customer's call with the name of the caller and the ability to listen to the call directly in the estimate (if you have telephony integration set up);

You can perform the following actions in the estimate event feed:

Create a task, add a photo or file. To do this, click on the “+” icon at the bottom and select the desired action:

  • Create task - the ability to create a task that will be associated with this estimate.

  • Take a photo - the ability to take and add a photo using a webcam

  • Attach a file - the ability to add an image or document from a PC.

Additional actions in the estimate

Click on the Additional actions button,

- Call the manager allows you to immediately contact the manager for this estimate.

- Print documents allows you to print documents.

- Share link allows you to share the working link with your employees.

Closing an estimate

Each estimate is closed successfully or closed unsuccessfully.

1. In work order to convert an invoice to a work order, you need to change the status of the invoice to “Order created”.

After setting the appropriate status, the estimate is automatically converted into a new work order. All customer, product, and additional information will be automatically transferred to such a work order, as well as all products and services in the appropriate quantity that you added at the stage of estimate. Also, all events that occurred during the estimate phase will be transferred to this work order.

Please note that this action is irreversible, i.e. you will not be able to transfer the work order back to the estimate later!

2. To transfer the estimate to an unsuccessful status, you need to change the status of the estimate to “Canceled” or “Rejected”. We do not recommend deleting unsuccessful estimates to preserve the history of communication with the customer.

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