In Orderry, you can convert assets into serialized products, which will be useful if you want to sell your own assets, such as appliances that are no longer used by the company, or buy back an asset previously sold to a customer for further resale.
☝️ Important
1. Converting an asset is available only to a serialized product, since we can guarantee that the inventory and physical products match only when a unique serial number is assigned to a product.
2. The “Can convert assets to products” permission must be enabled in the “Inventory” section of the role settings. This permission was granted to you automatically if you already have the “Can create postings” permission.
In order to convert an asset into a product, do the following:
1. Open the asset profile.
2. Select Actions > Convert to product.
3. This opens the dialog window for converting the asset to a product with the following fields:
Supplier - automatically filled in depending on who owned the item:
Client if they were the product owner at the time of conversion.
If the product was owned by the company, this field will be left blank and optional.
Warehouse - where you need to specify where the created product will be stored.
4. Next, you can convert an asset into a product in two ways:
Option 1. Conversion to an existing product.
In the product search field, select an existing product that you want to convert the asset into. In the product posting window, the Serial number field will be filled with the asset serial number. The prices and warranty fields will be filled with information from the product's general tab. Fill in and/or edit the necessary fields and click Add.
Option 2. Creating a new product for conversion.
If there is no such product, click + Create product/Add product, and the dialog window for creating a new serial product will open.
The Serial number, Photo, and other filled in fields that are identical to the fields in the product form will be automatically filled in with information from the description of the converted asset. All these fields can be edited if necessary.
The remaining fields that are left blank can be filled in as you see fit.
In order to be able to create a new product, you must have the “Can create new products” permission enabled in the My company > Products section.
Click Create.
After that, the new serial product posting window will appear with the serial number filled in and the rest of the fields filled in from the previous window. Fill in and/or edit the necessary fields and click Add.
The added product appears in the item field in the Convert to product window.
You can convert only one product at a time.
5. You can also create a payment for converting an asset to a product. To do this, check the Pay from cashbox checkbox.
6. Click Convert.
If the Pay from cashbox checkbox is selected, the payment window will open. Specify the payment method, the cashbox, add a comment, and edit the item and cashier fields if necessary. Click Create.
Done! You have converted an asset into a product.
After successful conversion, an asset-to-product conversion document will appear in the asset history, product history and in the product unit passport, indicating:
the date and time of conversion,
information on the asset,
information on the product,
the employee who performed the conversion.
You can also find all conversion documents on the Inventory > Conversions page.
Clicking on the asset serial number opens the asset viewing window.
Clicking on the product name opens the product viewing window.
Clicking on the product serial number opens the product unit passport.
Clicking on the payment opens the payment window with the option to correct or delete it.
Important: you cannot delete the document of asset to product conversion. If you need to cancel the conversion, you can do so by converting the product to an asset.