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Posting Products To A Warehouse
Posting Products To A Warehouse

Learn how to post products to a warehouse

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated this week

There are several ways to post products in Orderry: manually, by simply importing a formatted Excel file, or by importing and mapping data. In this article, we'll go over all the options.

Method 1: Manual posting

☝ This method is suitable:

  • If you need to quickly add one or a few new products.

  • If the received product does not have an expenditure note (for example, internal production).

Its advantages are:

  • Speed and simplicity, no need to create documents.

  • Allows you to quickly correct data.

Go to the Inventory > Postings page and hit the + Posting button to create a posting.

Select or add a supplier, enter the invoice details, and choose a warehouse you want to post your products to.

Please note, that if this is not the first time you have posted the products, the warehouse where you last posted the goods will be automatically selected. If you have only one warehouse, then it will be selected automatically.

If necessary, during the posting process, you can always change the warehouse. Please note, that if you use bin locations when changing the warehouse, the bins will be changed to the bin that is set to By default for the new warehouse.

After that, fill the product-related data. You can post both new and known products.

Posting the known products to your warehouse

You can fill the warehouse with products by importing it on the My company > Products page. Thus, you will quickly fill in all the information about products to add the quantity during the posting process.

To post the known products to your warehouse:

1. Scan the product barcode or enter a product name, code / SKU, and select the item from a dropdown list.

Note: When Orderry finds the product by barcode and adds it to the table, you will hear a beep. You can add 3 items of a product by scanning the same product 3 times.

2. Enter the quantity or scan serial numbers (for serial products).

You can see the SN sign for products with inventory serialization enabled. You have to enter existing serial numbers or generate new ones for each of those product items

3. Enter the Purchase price.

Remember: the purchase prices may differ in your shipments, while the end price for your clients stays the same. Hit the Show prices button to edit your retail prices.

The Current price column represents the current prices of the goods that you post.

The Estimated price column represents the estimated price value with all markups included. You can configure those on the Settings > Prices and discounts page. Click the estimated value to edit it for a specific price or hit the arrow icon to set all estimated prices as current.

4. Enter the supplier warranty.

Remember: you should specify the supplier warranty for a current shipment upon posting.

5. Select a warehouse bin (if you are using bin locations).

Bin locations is a technology for distributing products in your warehouses. With bin location, every warehouse bin has a unique address. Go to the Settings > Warehouses page and check the Enable bin locations checkbox to activate this functionality.

6. Hit the Add button.

If you need to modify any serial number, click the posting product quantity, remove an incorrect serial number, and enter a correct one. Hit the price value, supplier warranty or bin to edit it.

Posting new products to your warehouse

To post new products to your warehouse:

1. Enter the product name and hit the Create product button.

2. Add the product properties in the popup:

  • Choose a category (when you don't have the right product category, press + Category to create a new one).

  • Add the product description and image (if relevant).

  • Enter the product code and SKU (if applicable).

  • Add the existing product barcode or generate the new one.

  • Establish the warranty period for your clients.

  • Enable inventory serialization for the product you are posting (if applicable).

Remember: Enabling serialization is irreversible. Once activated, you'll have to enter the serial number for every product item.

Enter existing serial numbers or generate new ones for your serial products in Orderry (you can configure serial number template on the Settings > Warehouses page). The system allows using digits, Latin characters, and even special symbols in your serial numbers. There have to be as many product serial numbers as many products you are planning to post.

Hit the 🖨️ button to print the product labels with serial numbers. Find out more about printing labels with serial numbers here.

  • Specify prices manually or leave the fields unchanged so Orderry calculates prices automatically after you specify the Purchase Price. Navigate to the Settings > Prices and discounts page to set up the sale markups.

  • Establish Stock control for product (if applicable). Using this function allows you to generate a report “Products you need to purchase”.

  • Set the Employee commissions. In this field, you can set exceptional commissions for an employee for selling this product or for adding it to a work order. This can be a percentage of the part cost, a fixed amount, or both. If you leave this field blank, the standard payroll calculation rules specified in the employee’s profile will apply.

Hit the Save button.

3. After creating the new product you need to add posting information in the popup.

  • Enter the quantity or scan serial numbers (for serial products)

  • Enter the supplier warranty

  • Select a warehouse bin (if you are using bin locations)

  • Enter the Purchase price

If you specified price when filling properties of the products, they will automatically be tightened in the column Current price. The Estimated price column contains prices corresponding to markups on the Settings > Prices and discounts page. If you want to apply the estimated price, just hit the arrow between columns to transfer it to the Current price columns. This price will be shown when adding products to work order or sale.

If you didn’t specify price when filling properties of the products, it will be 0 in the Current price column. Here you also can apply the Estimated price corresponding to markups on the Settings > Prices and discounts page.

If you need to change the price you can always do it in the product profile or after adding the product to work order/sale (if an employee has permission for that).

4. Hit the Add button. After that, the product will be automatically added to the table for posting.

Method 2: Posting from a file

Posting from a file using mapping

The posting process can be greatly accelerated and simplified by quickly and easily importing products through an Excel file using mapping.

☝ This method is suitable:

  • If you receive products from a supplier in an XLSX / XLS / CSV file.

  • For automatic matching of the supplier's data with your products.

  • If you need to not only post existing products but also create new ones.

Its advantages are:

  • Fast posting without manual entry.

  • Minimization of errors and duplication of products.

  • Auto-updating of prices, barcodes, and balances based on supplier data.

In the posting document, click the Import button, then upload the file from your PC.

After uploading the file, you need to set the correspondences between the system fields and the column names in the Excel file.

Product category is a required field. For products that belong to the same category, you can use the default value. When importing, you need to use the names of the first-level categories in the table. For example, if you have a category All products > Accessories > Cases, then you need to specify Cases in the table when importing.

Product name is a required field.

Product code - a unique identifier of the product.

Product article is a unique number or designation of the product.

Quantity is required for non-serialized goods. For serialized goods, if the number of units exceeds the number of specified serial numbers, the missing numbers will be generated automatically. If the number of units is less than the number of specified serial numbers, then only the number of serial numbers that corresponds to the actual number of units will be posted.

Serial numbers are required for serialized goods. In this case, the quantity of goods is equal to the number of serial numbers indicated by commas (no more than 20).

Purchase price is a mandatory field that represents the cost of the goods. It is used in the calculation of profit, and it is from this price that margins are formed.

Supplier warranty (value) is a quantity (number).

Supplier warranty (term) is a unit of measurement: days or months.

The “Supplier warranty (value)” and “Supplier warranty (period)” columns are optional, but if you do fill in the warranty, both must be filled in.

Prices are not required fields. This is an opportunity to immediately fill in the types of product prices from the import table according to the ones created in the system on the Settings > Prices and discounts > Products page.

With this method of posting, you can upload and create new products.

A new product card is created and filled with the data that was matched when loading the table. Please note that when filling in the product category, new categories are not created.

Please note that the file for posting goods can contain up to 250 lines!

After the first posting, the import comparisons are saved by the supplier. That is, during the next posting, by selecting this supplier, the data will be filled in automatically.

After all the values have been compared, click the Import button.

After adding goods to the posting table (manually or using a file), click the Create button.

If necessary, you can edit the finished posting document. Read more about editing a posting document in this article.

Posting of existing products from a file

☝ This method is suitable:

  • If you receive products from a supplier in an XLSX / XLS / CSV file.

  • When you mass update the quantity of products without creating new items.

  • If the products are already in the system, but they need to be distributed to new warehouses.

Its advantages are:

  • Reduction of errors - eliminates the risk of manual data entry.

  • Flexibility of settings - you can specify serial numbers, warranty, and retail prices.

Navigate to the posting document, hit the Import button, and hit the Import template. This will download the file template to your device.

Remember: you can post only the known products to your warehouses via file importing. Enter the new products manually or import your products on the Inventory > Products and categories page.

This file has no Code, SKU, Barcode, and Serialized columns because the system receives them via product import functionality, before posting.

Here are the table fields you can find in your Excel file:

  • Unique product identifier is the value of the uniqueness of the product (name, code, article or not specified), the column is required. Learn more about defining a unique identifier in this article.

Important: If you have not defined a unique product identifier (it is indicated "not specified" in the settings), then you must use the ID of the product (you can find out the product ID by exporting products on the page My company > Products)

  • Quantity. It is a required field for non-serial products.

  • Serial numbers. It is a required field for serial products. The system will add as many products as many serial numbers you enter in this field (up to 20 serial numbers).

  • Supplier warranty (value). It is an optional field for the supplier warranty period value.

  • Supplier warranty (period). It is an optional field for the supplier warranty period unit type (day or month).

Note: Supplier warranty columns are optional. However, if you decide to add the supplier warranty, you should fill both fields.

  • Purchase price. It is a required field for calculating the profit and price markup.

  • Retail price fields. These are the optional fields for retail prices. The system uses these values for the retail prices in the product profile.

Retail price fields are not required. If there is no data, just leave a blank cell and delete the column names so that zero prices don’t apply to the products.

Remember: make sure your retail price column names correspond to the price markup names from the Settings > Prices and discounts page. Otherwise, Orderry won't be able to identify these values as prices.

Hit the Import button, attach your Excel file, and press the Import button to upload the file to the system.

Keep in mind: your product posting Excel file should contain up to 250 rows of data.

As soon as you fill the table with your products — whether manually or via Excel file import — hit the Post button.

If necessary, you can edit the finished posting document. Read more about editing a posting document in this article.

Draft Postings

You can also save the intermediate results of New posting in Draft. It will help you if you have a large number of products or for some reason, you don’t have time to finish posting. To do this, click on the Save as draft button.

The Draft will be displayed in the list of posting documents without numbering, indicating the date of its creation.

Please note that Drafts are only available to the employees who created them. Drafts can be saved an infinite number of times. Thus, the employee will be able to continue to work and complete it at any convenient time or delete if necessary.

How to Pay for Postings

Payment after creating a posting

1. When creating a posting, uncheck the “Pay from cashbox” checkbox.

2. After creating the posting, open it. Click Actions and select Create expense.

3. In the new “Expense” window, you need to select the method of payment and the cashbox from which the payment will be made.

4. Click “Create”. After creation, the payment is displayed in the “Payments for cashbox” for the selected cashbox.

Paying from cashbox

Step 1. Check the Pay from cashbox checkbox before you hit the Post button.

Step 2. Set the date, select a payment method and cashbox.

Please note that when you choose a cash payment method, you can specify the amount in the field below to calculate the rest quickly. This field works like a calculator! If the posting amount is 5000, and you specify 3000 in this field, the system will still record the total amount of 5000; you will also see the full payment (5000) in the supplier's balance.

Step 3. You can edit the commentary, the cashier, and tag. Then press the Create button.

Note: Postings can not be edited afterward. The same is for the purchase price. Just make sure the numbers you enter are correct.

Paying as debt

To make a debt payment, leave the Pay from cashbox checkbox unchecked. Doing so, the amount will be automatically deducted from that supplier’s balance which can be reviewed on the Finance > Balances page or directly from the Supplier’s Profile on the Balance tab.

Payment settlements with suppliers

There are two ways of payment settlements, as follows:

1. From the Supplier’s Profile: go to the Payments tab, press - Payout and enter a corresponding amount of payment.

2. On the Finance > Payments page: select a cashbox, press - Expense, don’t forget to select the supplier, and enter a corresponding amount of payment.

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