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Orderry Inventory Serialization

Learn how to enable Inventory serialization for products and how you can use it

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 4 months ago

Inventory serialization allows you to track the transfer history of the product unit by its serial number.

Serial number — the unique identification number of the device, product, or spare part. It can consist of both digits and Latin letters. The serial number allows you to identify a specific product and distinguish it from other product units. Moreover, with inventory serialization, you can write-off a specific product unit into the order or sale, regardless of when you post the product.

As for non-serial products, the write-off from the warehouse works by the FIFO (First In, First Out) rule. It means the first posted product will be written-off first.

You can enable the serialization for each product you need separately.

Important: serialized products are unique and are measured only in the unit of measurement “piece”.

Enabling serialization for a new product

You can enable serialization for new products during the posting. Check the Enable serialization checkbox in the product profile.

Note: This action is irreversible. You will need to enter the serial number after serialization is enabled.

You need to set or generate a serial number for each product unit. You can configure the template of the generated serial number on the Settings > Warehouses page. You can also print labels for serial numbers by hitting the printer button 🖨️.

Enabling serialization for an existing product

1. Open the product profile and check the Enable serialization checkbox. You also need to enable the “Can enable the tracking by serial numbers for existing product permission in the employee's role.

Note: This action is irreversible. You will need to enter the serial number after serialization is enabled.

☝️ When a product is converted from a non-serial to a serial product, the units of measurement will change to “pieces” because serial products, as unique units, are measured only in pieces.

2. The Orderry system will then show you total balance in all warehouses. You need to enter or generate a serial number for each product unit. You can print labels for serial numbers by hitting the printer button 🖨️.

3. Hit the Save button.

The system writes-off the non-serial product stock balance automatically. Right after that Orderry posts it back to the same warehouse with the same characteristics and serial number. At the same time, “Created due to the product transfer to the serial accounting” note appears in the posting and writing-off documents, but with no supplier specified.

Note: those types of posting and write-offs are irreversible.

With serialization, you can add the same product from different shipments.

For example, you have 10 phones with a supplier's warranty and a purchase price of $1,000. And 5 phones without a supplier's warranty and a purchase price of $600. Select the appropriate serial numbers upon adding this product to the order or sale.

Hit the product serial number to open the product unit passport. Here you can view information about a specific product unit.

The SN icon will appear for the products with the serial number.

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