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Importing And Exporting Products
Importing And Exporting Products

Find out how to import and export products from the inventory

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 5 months ago

Importing products

Importing products is a swift approach to filling your inventory with product entries by uploading an Excel file for a convenient posting process. That is, this is the creation of a product without adding its residues.

Remember: you cannot import the stock balances. Instead, Orderry allows you to import the product names and properties. Use postings to upload the product stock balances.

To start importing the products, hit the Import button on the My company > Products and categories page, and download an Excel file example onto your computer to import products to your inventory. We recommend working right in the import template.

Remember: Do not change the column names and order in the Excel file, so Orderry can process the file and import your products correctly.

Structure and content of the Excel file

Let's consider the file content in detail.

The Сode column is the product code used for internal product identification.

The SKU is the product identifier. It often contains digital and characters. The vendor code may be the same as for the similar supplier and vendor product.

Barcode is a product ID that respects the international EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, and Code128 formats. Barcode is a unique identifier, meaning there cannot be two products with the same barcode.

The Сode, SKU, and Barcode columns are not required.

The Name column contains the product name and is required. The Name is a unique identifier, meaning there cannot be two products with the same product name.

Unit of measurement. In this column, you must specify the units of measurement (pcs) for each product.

Important: Currently, you can only specify units of measurement in English in the import document. We are actively working on adding the ability to import products with units of measurement in other languages.

For your convenience, open this list to see a list of all units in English.


  • pcs - Pieces

  • pack - Package

  • ea - Each


  • m - Meters

  • cm - Centimeters

  • mm - Millimeters

  • km - Kilometers

  • in - Inches

  • ft - Feet

  • yd - Yards

  • mi - Miles


  • kg - Kilograms

  • g - Grams

  • t - Metric Tons

  • lb - Pounds

  • oz - Ounces


  • - Square Meters

  • cm² - Square Centimeters

  • sq ft - Square Feet

  • ac - Acres


  • L - Liters

  • ml - Milliliters

  • - Cubic Meters

  • gal - Gallons

  • qt - Quarts

  • cu ft - Cubic Feet


  • min - Minutes

  • h - Hours

  • d - Days

  • nh – Normal Hours

The Category column contains the product category. This is a required field. You should preserve the subcategory order and divide them by the “>” character.

For instance, “Accessories > Apple Original > XS” will display in the following way:

Note: The “All products” category is a default root category.

The system automatically generates the categories missing on the My company > Products and categories page.

The Warranty column represents the client warranty duration amount (it's a number).

The Warranty period is the unit of measurement for the client warranty (days or months).

Note: the Warranty and Warranty period are not required. However, if you need to add the client warranty, make sure to fill in both columns.

The Serialized column is required. If you want to enable serialization, indicate “yes” in the line; if you want to leave the products non-serial, indicate “no”.

Remember: Enabling serialization is irreversible. Once activated, you'll have to enter the serial number for every product item.

Importing data to the custom fields of the product form

If you have already customized the product form and want to load information into the custom fields using import, add a column at the end of the file. The title of this column should be the same as the name of the custom field in the product form.

E.g., you have a custom field named "Color" in the product form.

In the file to be imported, add a column with the same name (at the end of the file, after the “Serialised” column).

Your import file should have up to 2500 entries.

Importing a filled file to Orderry

Hit the Import button on the My company > Products and categories page, attach the filled file, and hit the Import button to upload your Excel file with products to the Orderry system.

Exporting products

Exporting products is the reverse process of product importing.

Hit the Export button on the My company > Products and categories page to initiate an Excel file download.

Remember: The product export downloads all product names and properties from all warehouses, regardless of the stock balances.

The export file is similar to the import sample file.

The file contains the Code, SKU, Barcode, Name, Category, Unit of measurement, Client warranty (value and period), and Serialized columns. There are also columns with the current prices you can use for product repricing.

Exporting stock balances

Stock balance export gets only the products with positive stock balance.

Hit the Export button on the Inventory > Stock page to start an automatic download of an Excel file with your product stock balances.

Please note: if you need to export stock levels from all warehouses at once, use the Stock level report.

The file contains the Code, SKU, Barcode, and Name columns — these are the product identifiers. Unit of measurement column shows the unit of measurement for each specific product. The Bin location column displays the bin if you have enabled the bin location. The Balance column contains the current quantity of your product items in the inventory. The Serial numbers column contains the serial numbers of serial products. The exported Excel file also contains the price columns.

Import simplifies your inventory-filling routine, and export enables you to get detailed product information for extended analytics.

Use the product import and export features for product repricing and bulk changes of the product properties. Just export the product data, perform changes, and import back the changed product data into Orderry.

Note: Do not change the product Name column fields, because it's a unique identifier, meaning there cannot be two products with the same product name. If you change the field, the system will consider the entry as a new product and will create a new product dialog window for it.

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