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Payroll Calculation Rules (Commissions)
Payroll Calculation Rules (Commissions)

Find out what payroll rules are available in Orderry and how to use them

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over a month ago

Besides base salaries, you can set up commission calculation rules for your employees in Orderry. Find all the necessary settings on the Settings > Employees > Payroll Calculation rules page. This article will teach you how to create, configure, apply, edit, and delete Commissions.

Remember that the hourly, daily, or monthly base salary settings are set in the employee's profile on the "Payroll Calculation Rules" tab. See this article for more information.

Create and customize commission calculation rules

1. In the Commissions section, click the + Commission button.

2. Select the event for which the commission will be calculated.

Types of events for Work Orders

For creating an order. This is a commission to the employee who created a work order.

For closing an order. This is a commission to the employee who completed the work order, i.e., changed the status of a work order from any working status to any status from the "Closed" group.

To technician for the labor or service in order. This is a commission to the employee who added a labor/service to the work order on the "Services and products" tab.

If several employees add labors to the work order, and this rule is set for each of them, then each employee will receive a commission for their labors.

To technician for the product deducted from stock. This is a commission to the employee who added a product to the work order on the "Services and products" tab.

Please note: the same rule is used to calculate bonuses for products added through the "Add product" feature on the "Services and products" tab in the order.

To technician for the product added without deduction. This is a commission to the employee who added the product to the work order without inventory deduction.

If several employees deduct or add products to the work order, and this rule is set for each of them, each employee will receive a commission for their products.

To assigned technician. This is a commission to the employee specified in the "Assigned technician" field on the General Info tab.

To Assigned technician for the labor or service in work order. - payment for each work or service on the “Services and products” tab in the work order. The payment is made to the employee specified in the “Assigned technician” field on the “General Info” tab.

To Assigned technicianfor the product deducted from stock - payment for each deducted product on the “Services and products” tab in the work order. The payment is made to the employee specified in the “Assigned technician” field on the “General Info” tab.

To Assigned technician for the product added without deduction - payment for each product in the work order added without being deduction from the stock. The payment is made to the employee specified in the “Assigned technician” field on the “General Info” tab.

To manager for the labor or service in order. This is a commission for each labor or service on the "Labors and materials" tab in the work order. The commission will be calculated for the employee specified in the "Manager" field on the General Info tab.

To manager for the product deducted from stock. This is a commission for deducted products on the "Services and products" tab in the work order. The commission will be calculated for the employee specified in the "Manager" field on the General Info tab.

Please note: the same rule is used to calculate bonuses for products added through the "Add product" feature on the "Services and products" tab in the order.

To manager for the product added without deduction. This is a commission for each item in the work order added without inventory deduction. The commission is made to the employee specified in the "Manager" field on the General info tab.

To order manager. This is a commission to the employee specified in the "Manager" field on the General Info tab.

To lead manager for the labor or service in the order. This is a commission for each labor/service added to the work order for the employee specified in the "Manager" field of the lead related to the work order.

To lead manager for the product deducted from stock. This is a commission for deducted products in the work order for the employee specified in the "Manager" field of the lead related to the work order.

To lead manager for the product added without deduction. This is a commission for each product in the work order added without inventory deduction. The commission is made to the employee specified in the "Manager" field in the lead associated with the work order.

To lead manager for the order. This is a commission to the employee specified in the "Manager" field of the lead related to this work order.

There are settings for all events in work orders.

Order type. This field allows you to create commissions depending on the work order type. For example, create an individual calculation for warranty or field work orders.

Execution term. This field allows you to create commissions depending on the work order's due date. For example, create an individual calculation for all work orders that are marked as urgent. Or configure a standard calculation or a penalty for work orders completed on time and a reduced commission for work orders overdue.

Calculate. In this field, you can set the time of payroll calculation.

Select "Immediately" to calculate a commission right after the event has occurred (including all the event conditions). That is, immediately after creating/closing a work order or immediately after adding services/products.

Please note that if you choose the "Immediately" calculation method, the rule will be triggered immediately if the rule conditions are met. That is, it will apply every time after any change in the work order status (change of status, change of services/products or their prices).

Use this calculation method if you need to pay commissions to employees daily. The employee may still need to complete the work order, but at the end of the day, you can pay commissions for the labors performed at a given time.

Select a status in the “When order status changed to” field so that the commission is calculated only after the event has occurred and the work order status has changed to the specified one.

E.g., to calculate a commission to a technician for services only when the work order is done and to a manager for the work order creation only when the work order is in the "In progress" status. Or calculate a commission not just for closing a work order but for successfully closing a work order, i.e., when the work order is in the "Closed" status.

Next, you need to specify the amount of commission the employee should receive.

The calculation can be based on the Amount or Profit. Please note that depending on the selected event, the amount or profit can refer to a work order/service or a product. E.g., if the event is "For closing a work order," the amount or profit of the work order is calculated. And if the event is "To technician for the product deducted from stock," the amount or profit from the product is calculated.

Note: for the "Technician / Manager / Lead Manager for the product added without deduction" rules, the commission is possible only from the Amount. This is because the product still needs to be deducted from inventory, so there is no data on the cost price in the system, and it is impossible to calculate the profit for such products.

The commission can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the amount or profit of the work order/service/product.

You can also create a scale and calculate various commissions depending on the amount or profit of the work order/service/product. To do this, click the + Add term button and create a rule.

For example:

  • if the amount/profit is more than or equal to 0, the commission is 10

  • if the amount/profit is ≥ 1000, the commission is 15

  • if the amount/profit is ≥ 5000, the commission is 5%

Remember that the commission can be a negative number. Thus, you can configure "penalties" for overdue work orders or for warranty work orders that are processed free of charge (due to a technician's fault, for example).

Types of events for Sales

For creating a sale. This is a commission to the employee who created a sale.

To the seller for the labor or service is a calculation for each added labor or service in the sale.

To a seller for the product is a calculation for each added product in the sale.

To lead manager for a sale. This is a commission to the employee specified in the "Manager" field of the lead related to this sale.

For events in Sales, the commission can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the Amount or Profit of the sale. You can also create a scale and calculate various commissions depending on the amount or profit of the sale. To do this, click the + Add condition button and create a rule.

For example:

  • if the amount/profit is more than or equal to 0, the commission is 50

  • if the amount/profit is ≥ 5000, the commission is 150

  • if the amount/profit is ≥ 7500, the commission is 5%

Remember that the commission can be a negative number.

Types of events for Tasks

For creating a task. This is a commission to the employee who created a task.

For completing a task. This is a commission to the employee who completed a task.

For events in tasks, the commission can be a fixed amount. For the "For completing a task" event, you can also select "Execution term" to configure individual calculations for tasks completed on time and overdue.

Remember that you can specify a negative number and thus make "penalties" for tasks that are overdue.

Types of events for Leads

For creating a lead. This is a commission to the employee who created a lead.

For closing a lead. This is a commission to the employee who closed a lead, i.e., changed the lead status from any working to any status from the "Closed" group.

There are settings for all events in leads.

Type of lead. You can create different commissions depending on the lead type in this field. For example, you can create individual calculations for leads from the website or a phone call.

Execution term. You can create different commissions depending on the due date of the lead, e.g., an individual calculation for all leads that are marked as urgent. Or make a standard calculation for leads that are completed on time and a reduced commission for overdue leads.

Calculate. In this field, you can set the time of payroll calculation.

Select "Immediately" to calculate a commission right after the event has occurred (including all the event conditions). That is, immediately after creating/closing a work order or immediately after adding services/products.

Please note that if you choose the "Immediate" calculation method, the rule will be triggered immediately if the rule conditions are met. That is, it will apply every time after any change in the lead status (change of status, change of services/products).

Select a status in the "When lead status changed to" field so that the commission is calculated only after the event has occurred and the lead status has changed to the specified one.

For example, to calculate the commission for the manager for creating only when the lead is in the "In progress" status. Or calculate the commission for closing only if the leads are in the statuses from the group closed successfully.

Next, you need to specify the commission that the employee should receive.

Remember that you can specify a negative number and thus make "penalties" for overdue leads.

Types of Events for Refunds

For refund creating. This is a commission for an employee who created a refund from a sale or work order. In this rule, a commission can only be a fixed amount.

To assigned technician if work order is refunded. This rule cancels a commission to the assigned technician due to a work order refund.

For this rule, you can configure the calculation in 2 ways.

Cancel calculation for returned items. This rule doesn’t allow to make a partial salary refund in case of a partial return of goods/services in a work order. Therefore, if you make a complete work order refund and want to cancel the calculation to an assigned technician, you must enable the "Cancel all commissions if the document is fully refunded" checkbox.

Deduct. In this method, you can set up a certain amount of money to be deducted for each returned item in a work order or set a total percentage of the refund amount.

To technician if work order is refunded. This rule cancels a technician’s commission for products or services in a work order due to a refund under the work order.

For this rule, you can set up the calculation in 2 ways.

Cancel calculation for returned items. This rule allows a partial salary refund in case of a partial return of products / services in a work order.

In this rule, you can also enable the "Cancel all commissions if the document is fully refunded" checkbox.

Deduct. In this method, you can set up a certain amount of money to be deducted for each returned item in a work order or set a total percentage of the refund amount.

To manager if work order is refunded. This rule cancels a commission to the assigned manager due to a work order refund.

For this rule, you can configure the calculation in 2 ways.

Cancel calculation for returned items. This rule doesn’t allow to make a partial salary refund in case of a partial return of products / services in a work order. Therefore, if you make a complete work order refund and want to cancel the calculation to an assigned manager, you must enable the "Cancel all commissions if the document is fully refunded" checkbox.

Deduct. In this method, you can set up a certain amount of money to be deducted for each returned item in a work order or set a total percentage of the refund amount.

To seller if sale is refunded. This rule cancels a commission to the seller due to a sale refund.

For this rule, you can set up the calculation in 2 ways.

Cancel calculation for returned items. This rule allows a partial salary refund in case of a partial return of products / services in a sale.

Please note that you can partially cancel the calculation only if the employee has been paid according to the "To seller for the labor or service" or "To seller for the product" rule.

In this rule, you can also enable the "Cancel all commissions if the document is fully refunded" checkbox.

Deduct. In this method, you can set up a certain amount of money to be deducted for each returned item in a work order or set a total percentage of the refund amount.

Additional event settings

When configuring a rule, each event has checkboxes for additional settings below. Different events may have a different set of checkboxes.

Apply calculation rules of exceptional commissions. Enable this checkbox to include exceptional commissions in the commission calculation if they are specified in the product, service, or category.

Take into account cost price of products written off for the zero price. Select this checkbox to add the cost of all products with a zero price when calculating the commission. The commission will be calculated by the formula: (Amount/Profit of service) — (Cost of products).

Cancel calculation if document was reopened. Check this box to cancel the calculation of the commission if the document is reopened (i.e., the status has changed from closed to working).

Please note that if the document is opened before the month's accrual, the commission will no longer be displayed in the Accrual. If the document is reopened after the accrual, Orderry will automatically create an adjustment to the employee's balance for the amount of the commission in the current period..

Cancel calculation if document or item were deleted. Check this box to cancel or recalculate the bonus calculation if a document, item, technician, or other event has been deleted or changed.

Please note that if the document/product is deleted before the month's accrual, the commission will no longer be displayed in the Accrual. If the document/product is deleted after the accrual, Orderry will automatically create an adjustment to the employee's balance for the amount of the commission in the current period.

Don’t duplicate commission calculation by the rule. Check this box so that the employee receives the commission only once. For example, suppose you have several statuses in the "Calculate" field. In that case, the employee will receive the commission only once and not every time the document is updated to the specified statuses. If you change the amount or profit of a product/service/document, the commission will be recalculated according to these changes.

Table of Commissions

All created payroll rules are displayed in the Commissions table on the Settings > Employees > Payroll Calculation Rules page. The number of employees to whom this commission is applied is displayed to the right of the rule.

To edit a rule, double-click it in the table, make changes and save the information.

Please note that the changes will take effect from the moment you make them. For example, a manager has a 10% rule for work order processing, and you change this rule to 15% in the middle of the month. The calculation of 15% will start applying when you save the rule, and the calculation of 10% will be applied to all previous work orders.

You can copy the rule by clicking the Copy button. This is useful when creating almost the same rule but with minor differences.

To delete a rule, click the Delete button.

Please note that when deleting a rule, you can delete all commissions calculated according to this rule but not accrued to the employee's balance yet or deduct all accrued commissions in the current period. To do this, check the relevant checkboxes.

The following group actions are available in the commission table:

Apply to employee. This action allows you to assign several rules to a specific employee quickly.

Copy. With this action, you can quickly copy several rules. This is useful when creating almost the same rules but with minor differences.

Delete. This is a button for quickly deleting a large number of rules. Just like deleting a rule from the window, it is also possible to delete all commissions calculated according to this rule but not accrued to the employee's balance yet or deduct all accrued commissions.

That’s all! You have created calculation rules and applied them to particular employees. Now, after the events and conditions from the rules are met, the commission part of the salary will be calculated for employees. See this article for more information on calculating and accruing salaries to an employee's balance.

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