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Employee Profile

Find out how to add, edit or remove an employee in Orderry

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 2 weeks ago

You can add an employee yourself or invite them to your company with a request to enter all necessary information themselves and create a login and password. You can configure employees' access rights via user roles and in the employee profile.

Remember: Orderry automatically changes your Subscription Plan and recalculates the new subscription duration. The system will require you to pay for the new plan if you have insufficient days of the current subscription remaining. You can also renew your current subscription plan and then add an employee.

Watch a video on how to add, edit, and manage employees by clicking the button below.

Creating a New Employee

Step 1. Navigate to the Settings > Employees page and hit the + Employee button.

Step 2. Enter the employee's full name.

Step 3. Enter the Email. Please note, that Email is unique for all users in Orderry and two system users cannot have the same email address. Employees need to confirm their email.

Note: Fill out this field correctly if you want your employee notifications to work properly.

Step 4. Come up with a login and a password for the new employee account.

Remember: the Login field value is a unique user identifier in Orderry. You cannot have two system users with the same login.

To ensure the security of your account, your password must meet the following requirements:

  • minimum 8 characters;

  • at least 1 uppercase letter;

  • at least 1 lowercase letter;

  • at least 1 digit.

Step 5. Specify the employee's role and position.

The Role is a list of the employee's access rights.

The Position is an optional field. Information from this field will be displayed in the employee's Work Schedule. If you leave this field empty, the information will be duplicated from the Role field.

Step 6. Specify the Hire date of the employee. Later, this date will be automatically substituted as the start date for setting the employee's base salary (you can edit the start date if necessary).

Also, this field will warn you of an incomplete month when calculating the base salary for the first month. For example, an employee has a monthly rate of 2,000 but starts working for the company on the 12th of the month. In this case, the complete base salary will be displayed in the calculation but you will see a warning about the incomplete month, and you can change the salary amount for this particular month.

Step 7. Enter the phone number of your new employee. Check the messengers you plan to use for this employee below.

For WhatsApp and Viber, it will be possible to use manual sending of messages to employees to the specified phone number.

Step 8. Fill out the Employee name in Printed documents field if necessary.

Fill out this field, so your Orderry Print Templates use the alternative employee name in the {Order Created By}, {Order Specialist Name}, {Order Manager Name}, {Order Closed By} variables.

Step 9. Fill out the Note field if necessary. The Note field allows you to enter any additional employee information.

Step 10. Check the Automatically log out user once a day checkbox if necessary.

Use this feature to enhance security in your company. After breaking the user session, the employee will be forced to enter their login and password to sign in to the account. Also, this function will be useful in conjunction with the IP Whitelist for tracking the time employees arrive at work, which you can see in the Activity Log report.

Step 11. Check the Access to Orderry Dashboard application checkbox if you want the employee to be able to install and use this mobile app.

Step 12. Specify in which locations the employee will work. The employee will then be able to schedule work at that location.

Step 13. Configure access to locations, cashboxes, and warehouses.

Go to the Access tab and check which locations, cashboxes, and warehouses will be available to the employee.

Please note: for an employee to be able to log in to Orderry, they must have access to at least one location.

For better user experience, there is a filter to display: All objects, Cashboxes only, or Warehouses only.

By default, each employee will be given the access that you specified on the General tab in the cashbox/warehouse. Please note that non-standard allowed actions in cashboxes or warehouses can only be set in the Business subscription plan.

The advanced configuration of employees' access rights to cashboxes and warehouses is also available in the Business plan. That is, you can allow employees to perform all operations specified in the General tab or set up individual access rights for each employee.

Note: An employee will be able to perform only those actions that are allowed in the settings of their role! E.g., there is no right “Can see the balance of money in cashboxes” in the employee's role, and in the personal settings you give access “View the cashbox balance”. In this case, the employee's role has a higher priority and the employee will not be able to see the balance in all cashboxes.

Step 14. Click Save.

That's it. You now have a new employee you can find in the employee list! 😉

You can customize the display of employee information by clicking on the table button and selecting the columns you want to see in the table.

After adding an employee, you can go to their profile and set up their salary. Learn more about how to set up a salary in this article.

Note that a copy is automatically created for each employee as a client. This is necessary so that you can process sales, work orders, returns, postings and payments on the employee as a client of your company.

Inviting an Employee to Orderry

If you want employees to specify the necessary information themselves and come up with a login and password, you can send them an invitation. To do this, follow these steps.

Step 1. Click the Invite an employee button on the Settings > Employees page.

Step 2. Specify the email to which the invitation will be sent in the Email field.

Step 3. Specify a user role for an employee. The User role is a set of employee’s rights and permissions.

Step 4. Check the Automatically log out user once a day checkbox if necessary.

Step 5. Configure the cashbox and location access and click Send an invitation.

Invited employees who have not created an account in Orderry yet are displayed at the top of the table marked as Invitation sent.

The invited employees will receive an email where they only need to click Create an account.

Then, the employee has to fill out the fields: Password, First Name, Last Name, Phone, and click Join.

Thus, the employees themselves create their profile which you can edit later.

Important: if for some reason, your employee did not receive the email, you can resend the invitation using the original email or editing it. To do this, double-click on the name of the invited employee, make the necessary changes, and click “Resend an invitation”.

Editing Employees

After creating an employee, they have access to edit their profile independently.

By clicking on your avatar, go to the profile settings and change it:

- Personal avatar;

- First and last name;

- Email;

- Phone number.

Read more about the user profile in this article.

General Tab

Here you can edit any fields in the employee profile. Change the password, the employee's role, position, phone, and so on.

Access Tab

On this tab, you can edit the access rights to locations, cashboxes and warehouses.

Balance Tab

The current balance of an employee is displayed here. It consists of all work orders, sales, postings and payments where the employee is specified as a client, and the accrued salary.

If the employee owes your company, the amount of his/her balance is displayed in green with the label "Employee owes us".

If the employee does not owe you anything and your company has also fulfilled all obligations to the employee, the balance amount will be 0 (zero) with the label "You are settled".

If your company owes the employee, the amount of their balance is displayed in red with the notation "We owe the employee".

Click the + Correction button to make a balance correction on the employee.

The table below displays all transactions (payments and adjustments) that affected the employee's final balance. To download transactions as an Excel file, click the Export button.

Assets Tab

This tab displays assets that are currently in the warehouse of this employee.

Payroll Calculation Rules Tab

In the Base Salary section, you can create and configure a monthly, daily, or hourly base salary, as well as set up payments for non-working days.

The Commissions section displays the commissions configured for the employee. Here, you can apply other commissions or delete them so that they no longer apply to the employee. Remember that you can create new commission rules on the Settings > Employees > Payroll Calculation Rules page. Find more information in this article.

In the Сoefficient pay section, you can set up coefficients to increase or decrease exceptional commissions in products, services, and their categories.

Payroll Tab

On this tab, you can:

Removing and Deactivating an Employee

Each of the tabs has a button to remove or deactivate an employee from Orderry.

Deactivated employees cannot log in to Orderry anymore, but you can still perform various operations with them in the system (payroll, accrual, payout, etc.). A deactivated employee cannot be removed from your subscription plan.

Removed employees cannot log in to Orderry and you cannot do anything with their profiles in the system. After removing employee profiles you can delete them from your subscription plan.

Note: you cannot remove employees with active tasks, leads, and work orders assigned to them. Reassign those tasks to some other employee before removing them. It is also necessary to move assets that are in the employee's warehouse to another asset warehouse or to another employee.

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