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Allowed Actions And Advanced Access Settings To Warehouses In Orderry
Allowed Actions And Advanced Access Settings To Warehouses In Orderry

Learn how to set up different permissions for warehouses and their use cases

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 4 months ago

Starting with the Business plan, more features are available in the warehouse settings on the Settings > Warehouses page. Here, you can:

  • set allowed actions with warehouses not only at the employee level, but also at the level of a specific warehouse

  • set different access rights to the same warehouse for each employee

Use Cases

Example 1. You maintain a warehouse of spare parts used in work orders and a warehouse of products used in sales.

To prevent specialists from accidentally using products for sales and sellers from selling spare parts for repairs, you need to uncheck the “Adding to sale” box in the spare parts warehouse settings, and uncheck the “Adding to order” box in the product warehouse settings.

Example 2. A warehouse for defective products.

To prevent employees from accidentally using defective products in work orders and sales, or from accidentally posting new products to such a warehouse, uncheck the “Posting”, “Adding to order”, and “Adding to sale” checkboxes in the settings. At the same time, for all other warehouses, uncheck the “Write-off” and “Return purchase” checkboxes so that these operations are performed only from the warehouse of defective products.

Example 3. Employees need to see the stock levels in the warehouses of other locations, but they are not allowed to write off products to sales and work orders. There is a special employee responsible for transferring products between locations in your company.

In this case, you need to set up individual access rights for employees from another location with the only right to “View stock”. These employees will be able to see the stock levels of products in other warehouses and send a client to another location or to make a request for product transfer.

Allowed Actions with Product Warehouses

View stock. The ability to select this warehouse on the Inventory > Stock page and see the number of products, as well as select this warehouse in the Stock Balances report.

Incoming actions

Postings. This is the right to add products to this warehouse. If the right is disabled, employees will not be able to select this warehouse when they create a posting.

Transfer. The possibility to move products to this warehouse.

Return The ability to make a return of products to this warehouse. If the right is disabled, employees cannot select this warehouse when creating a customer refund or deleting products from work orders.

Outgoing actions

Write off. The right to write off products from this warehouse.

Transfer. The possibility to move products from this warehouse.

Adding to order. The possibility to add a product from this warehouse to the work order.

Adding to sale. The ability to add products from this warehouse to the sale.

Return purchase. The right to return products to the supplier from this warehouse.

Allowed Actions with Asset Warehouses

View stock. The ability to select this warehouse on the Inventory > Assets page and see the assets in this warehouse.

Inbound operations

Create. The right to create assets in this warehouse. If the right is disabled, employees will not be able to select this warehouse when creating an asset.

Transfer. The possibility to move assets to this warehouse.

Outbound operations

Write-off. The right to write off assets from this warehouse.

Transfer. The possibility to move assets from this warehouse.

Adding to order. The possibility to add an asset from this warehouse to the work order.

Advanced Access Settings for Warehouses

In the Access tab of the warehouse editing window, you can set various access rights for employees — allow them to perform all operations specified in the General tab or set up individual access rights for each employee.

By default, each employee will be given the access that you specified on the General tab. To edit access, double-click the employee's name and select rights.

The rights available for the warehouse are the rights that you set on the General tab. Note that the “Available for warehouse” rights automatically change if you change them on the General tab.

For example, you set the allowed actions for a warehouse to “Posting”. Then you provide the employee with the “Available for warehouse” rights. If you change the allowed actions for a warehouse, e.g. add “Write-off”, the employee will automatically get this right.

Personal. Here, you can change the set of rights, i.e. expand or limit access for a particular employee. Note that “Personal” rights are of higher priority than “Available for warehouse”. That is, if you change the allowed actions for the warehouse on the “General” tab, it will not affect the “Personal” rights.

All. When these rights are selected, the employee will have full access to the warehouse, regardless of the specified settings in the General tab.

Important: The employee will be able to perform only those actions that are allowed in their role settings! For example, in the employee's role, there is no right “Can add materials from warehouse”, but in the warehouse settings you enable the right “Adding to order”. In this case, the employee's role has a higher priority and the employee will not be able to add products from the warehouse to the work order.

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