The ”Conversions” page in the “Inventory” section contains a list of all conversions performed in the system, namely:
In order to be able to view the list of conversions, you must have the “Can see conversions” permission enabled in the “Inventory” section on the “Settings > Employees > Roles” page.
What data is available in the table?
This table displays all completed conversions with the following details:
Document number - a unique identifier for the conversion. You can set a document number template in the location settings.
Created - information about the author of the conversion and when it was created.
Initial object - type of initial object (asset or product), its name, and serial number.
Conversion result - the type of the final object (i.e., the successfully converted asset or product), its name, and serial number.
Related documents - documents related to the conversion (for example, payments).
You can open any document by double-clicking on the required line or on the conversion document number. You can also open the product passport or asset by clicking on the desired number. If the conversion has a payment, you can also open it.
Filter, customize, and sort columns
To help you find the conversions you need, you can filter the table by the following parameters:
Date of creation
Conversion result (product, asset, or all)
After setting up the filters, the table will automatically update to display only those records that match your criteria.
To add or remove columns, click on the gear button at the top right and check the boxes next to the columns you want to add or remove.
To change the width of a column, drag it by the right border. To change the position of a column, hold it down and drag it to the desired location.
You can sort documents by document number and the Created column. Click on the column, and then you will see an up arrow next to the name (A to Z sorting), after clicking again, a down arrow will appear (Z to A sorting). When sorting from I to A, the “Created” column displays the most recent orders by creation date at the top.
Exporting data
To export the displayed data, click Actions > Export.
Please note: to be able to export conversions, you must have the “Can export data” permission enabled in the “Inventory” section of the “Settings > Employees > Roles” page.