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The Asset Table

Learn how to manage Assets using a configurable dashboard view

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 4 months ago

The Asset Table can be found on the Inventory > Assets page. It shows all the Assets you create in the system.

Important: Assets may have different names (Vehicle, Device, Appliance, Tool, Shoes, Garment) depending on the type of business you choose when creating your account.

The Assets Table is built up with the following:

The Search box is used to retrieve Assets by serial number, title, and phone number or name of the client.

Note: The search box has the auto-focus feature. Meaning you can just start typing without necessarily using a corresponding box to search. You need to insert at least 3 symbols and press Enter to start searching.

Owner is a handy filtering option to sort your Assets by ownership patterns. Use one of the following options: All, We, and Clients.

Warehouse is another filtering option to sort your Assets by all / specific Warehouses. Use it to quickly review the list of Assets at a specific Warehouse.

Use the Owner and Warehouse filtering options when you need to see:

  • how many Assets are held for safekeeping at your company;

Just select Clients and Company Warehouse (for all global Asset Warehouses) or Location Warehouse (for all local Asset Warehouses).

  • how many Assets of your clients are held for safekeeping by responsible employees;

Just select Clients and Employee warehouse (for all employees or a specific employee).

  • how many Assets of your company were issued to clients.

Select We and Client warehouses.

Press the Export button to download the list of your Assets to your PC in the Excel file format.

Note: This feature works with currently selected filtering options. Meaning that when you select the Assets kept for safekeeping by employees, only related Assets will be exported.

The table button is used to select different display options for columns. Drag the right border of the column to change its width. Or select the column and drag it to a new location.

The Assets can be sorted by a specific column. Just click the column you want to sort from A to Z or click again to reverse order.

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