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The Asset Profile

Find out what information is stored and displayed in the Asset Profile

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 2 months ago

When creating Assets, every new Asset you create for your client or business will have its own profile in the system. You can access the Asset profiles directly from Orders (just click a serial number in the Asset scorecard), or on the Inventory > Assets page (double-click a title).

Important: Assets may have different names (Vehicle, Device, Appliance, Tool, Shoes, Garment) depending on the type of business you choose when creating your account.

A title line at the top of the screen shows the full name of the Asset (Group, Brand, Model, Modification), and a serial number / IMEI of the Asset.

If this checkbox is disabled, you can still edit the name, serial number, group, brand, etc. fields. To do this, you just need to have the "Can edit assets" permission enabled in the "Inventory" section of the role settings.

The “General” Tab

This tab contains the following details filled when creating the Asset:

Image field is for uploading a relevant image or a photo of the Asset.

Note: maximum allowable image size is 5MB, supported image formats are JPG, PNG.

Warehouse field shows its current location.

Owner field shows the information about the owner. When the Asset is the property of a client, this field also includes a corresponding card.

  • To change the owner of the asset to your company, select "We" in the "Owner" field and specify the warehouse where the asset will be stored.

  • If you want to change the client, in the "Client" field, delete the current client and select a new one.

  • If you want to delete the asset completely, use the asset write off feature.

Group field shows a group the Asset is related to.

Brand field shows a brand of the Asset that comes under a selected group.

Model field shows a device model that comes under a selected brand.

Modification field shows the type of modification that comes under a selected device model.

The following fields: “Group”, “Brand”, “Model”, “Modification” сan be set up on the Settings > Directories > Assets page. Learn more about the Asset Directory in this guide.

Comment field shows notes or commentary on the Asset.

All of these fields are system fields that will be displayed for each of your Assets, based on the Asset form configuration. System fields in the Asset profile can be rearranged on the Settings > Forms Editor > Assets page. Information on Assets from the “General” tab cannot be edited when the “Forbidden edit after creation” checkbox is enabled.

The “Works Orders” Tab

Here you can find a list of Works Orders that include that Asset, backed with the following information: Order number, Status, Malfunction, Date and time of creation, amount Paid by the client.

You can configure which documents they have access to - all of them or only those from the locations available to them in the employee role permissions.

Click the Order number or double-click the line you need to open the Order profile.

Press “+ Order to create a new Order and automatically complete the Asset-related data and available information about the client.

The “History” Tab

Here you can monitor the history of movements for each of your Assets.

The “Document” column contains the number and link to the transfer document. The “Created” column contains the date and time of the asset transfer, as well as the name of the employee who performed it. The “Description” column shows the previous and current physical location of the Asset.

Every tab has its own button labeled “Additional” for you to transfer Assets or write-off Assets in just a few clicks.

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