When set up right, this will help you easily check the actual physical location of every Asset held for safekeeping at your company, issued to a client, ready for pick up, etc.
The Assets in Orderry can be transferred in two different ways: either manually or using the automated transfer feature based on the Order status.
Important: Assets may have different names (Vehicle, Device, Appliance, Tool, Shoes, Garment) depending on the type of business you choose when creating your account.
How To Transfer Assets Manually
Step One. Go to the Asset Profile by clicking a corresponding serial number found in the Order Profile or the Client Profile. The Asset Profile can be also accessed by double-clicking a corresponding line on the Inventory > Assets page.
Step Two. Press “Actions”, then select “Transfer”.
Step Three. Select the Warehouse for transferring the Asset.
At this point, you may choose another Asset to transfer by filling the “Asset name” field with a corresponding title or serial number.
Note: Only Assets from the same Warehouse can be included in a single document of transfer.
When you’re using the bin locations, the Asset will be transferred to a bin by default. Default bin locations for each of your Warehouses can be set up on the Settings > Asset Warehouses page. If you need another destination, choose the necessary bin to be used instead of the one set by default.
Use the “Comment” field to add additional information and comments.
Step Four. Press “Transfer” to make your first Asset transfer successfully completed.
Note: The Asset transfers can not be deleted. To undo your move, reverse transfer is required.
Documents of transfer can be found on the “History” tab in the Asset profile.
Group transfer of assets
Step 1. Go to the Inventory > Assets page and select the required assets using the checkboxes. You can select assets from different warehouses.
Step 2. Click the Action button and select Transfer.
Step 3. Specify the warehouse to which you want to move the asset.
If necessary, you can add another asset to move in the Asset name field. To do this, enter the name or serial number.
If you are using addressable storage, the product is moved to a standard cell that is configured for each warehouse on the Settings > Inventory > Asset Warehouses page. If the destination cell is different from the one set automatically, specify another one.
In the “Comment” field, you can enter any notes.
Step 4. Click the Transfer button. Done! The assets have been successfully moved.
How To Transfer Assets Automatically Based On The Order Status
To eliminate human error, you can create a well-thought set of transfer rules used in combination with different Order statuses.
For example, the Asset is initially found in the Client Warehouse. Upon receipt, the service team will have it transferred to the “Pending repair” internal Asset Warehouse. Once taken into safekeeping by a tech specialist, the Asset will be kept in that employee’s personal Asset Warehouse through the period of repair. When the work is completed, the Asset goes to the “Ready for pick up” Asset Warehouse. And when a corresponding Order is closed, the Asset can be finally transferred back to the client.
Make sure to create as many Asset Warehouses as you need before getting started with set up.
Follow these simple steps:
Step One. Double-click to select a necessary Order status found on the “Settings > Statuses > Orders” page. Check the checkbox labeled “Move asset for safekeeping” in a new dialog window.
Step Two. Choose the destination Warehouse for transferring the Asset once that Order status is received.
Company or location. Selecting this will require a specific warehouse to be selected for each branch of your company.
Employee. Selecting this will make the Asset transferred to the Employee Warehouse of the employee assigned as an “Assigned specialist” in the Order profile.
Client. Choosing this will transfer the Asset to the Client Warehouse of a client found in the Order profile.
Step Three. Press “Save” to keep your changes in the Work Order status and Documents available for printing.
Done! From now on, confirming the transfer (or choosing another destination if necessary) is the only thing left for the manager when receiving that status update.
Note: To make this feature work correctly for different roles, you need to turn on the following user access permission: “Can transfer assets”.