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The Lead Table

Learn how to manage Leads using a configurable dashboard view

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over a month ago

The Lead Table is a handy feature found in the “Leads” section. Use it to quickly check your newly created Leads and review the rest of the relevant information on Leads.

The Lead Table has lines and columns. The lines represent the Lead titles that are displayed one under another. The columns provide configurable fields for putting in all necessary data on Leads.

Over there, you can quickly add/remove the columns by using a gear button in combination with the corresponding checkboxes found to the right.

The columns correspond to the fields in the Lead form.

Use the Checkbox column in the Lead Table for bulk actions.

The Lead № column indicates the number of each Lead. Click here to open a Lead.

Use the Location column to check the actual location of your incoming Leads.

The Status column shows the current status of your Leads. Click on status to change the status, even without opening the Lead profile.

Status deadline is used to display the time remaining within the status time limit. When it comes to an end, you will see the overdue period displayed with each corresponding Lead, along with the Overdue statuses badge.

Note: The status time limit for Leads does not correlate with the work hours of locations.

The status time limit feature is available for all Orderry users with the “Business” subscription plan or higher.

The Due date column shows the allowed duration before the Lead automatically receives the Overdue badge.

Once the allowed duration comes to an end (and the Lead is still not transferred to the “Closed” status), the “Due date” column in the Lead Table will show the current delay period, accompanied by a colored clock icon.

Note: The due date for Leads does not correlate with the work hours of locations.

The Created column shows when and at what time the Lead was created, in line with the name of the responsible employee.

The Ad campaign column displays the ad campaign specified in the lead.

Check the Manager column to review the information on the assigned managers in the Lead profile.

The Client column contains brief data from the client’s profile. Upon a click, you can automatically open a Client profile (available only for existing Clients). Over there, you can also call or send notifications (SMS/WhatsApp/Viber) to your clients in one click (works only when integration is set up and running).

The Comment section contains the data pulled from the Comment field.

Use the Result column to keep the actual state of your Leads on track. This column will be updated to show the number of relevant documents — every time your Lead grows into a Sale or Work Order.

You can always change the column width by dragging it to make the right fit. If you need to relocate the columns, simply hold the field and keep it moving to a new place. To select a custom sort order by any column, just hit the one you want to see displayed first and vice versa. For example, when you need to review the most recent Leads sorted by date, simply click the Created column. Learn how to get even more by using badges, and advanced filtering options at their full capacity!

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