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How To Import Clients to Orderry?
How To Import Clients to Orderry?

Transfer and update your customer base quickly and easily

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 4 months ago

Use the client import in Orderry to:

  • transfer your client base from other systems;

  • enter the initial balance of clients in bulk;

  • do mass adjustments of client balances;

  • update your existing customer base in Orderry.

Loading the customer database by entering the initial balance of clients

If you already have a customer base in another system, you can import it to Orderry. To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the Clients page and click on the Import button. Next, click the "Excel File sample" to download a sample file for importing your clients.

Step 2. Load the downloaded Excel file and save it.

Important: you can't change the names and layout of columns in the table because Orderry won’t be able to read and load them correctly.

One file can contain up to 5000 rows!

Let's look at the contents of the file.

Client ID is a unique identifier for the client.

If you create new clients that are not recorded in the Orderry database, leave this column empty. After downloading the file, the IDs of the clients are generated automatically and displayed when exporting the client database.

Name is the name of the client. It is mandatory to fill in this column.

Surname is last name of the client, the column is not mandatory.

Phone is the phone number of the client, the column is not mandatory. Please note that the number must be entered in the same format as in the file sample. If you need to add more than one number, enter them separated by a comma.

Address is the address of the client, the column is not mandatory.

Email is the email address of the client, the column is not mandatory. Only one email address is allowed.

Legal entity is the client's type identifier. Indicate in the "Yes" column that the type of client after uploading is "Company" or leave the column empty so that the type of client is "Individual".

Supplier is the identifier of the client type. Specify "Yes" in the column that the client type after loading is "Supplier" or leave the column empty so that the client type is "Buyer".

Disappointed is the identifier of the disappointed client. Specify "Yes" in the column so that a red smiley face will always appear next to the name of this client after it is loaded, even on the call-in card.

Notes column contains additional information in the client's profile that is not required to be filled in.

Marketing source is the column for indication of the marketing campaign. It is not required to fill in. Please note that if you indicate an ad campaign that is not created in Orderry, you will not be able to download the file. You can find available marketing campaigns on the Settings > Marketing page.

Discount card is a column for entering the number of the client's discount card. It is not mandatory to fill in this column.

Discount on products in Sales is a column for setting an individual client's discount on goods in Sales. Type in a number that means the percent of the discount. This column is not mandatory.

Please note that the value cannot be more than 100.

Discount on labors/services is a column for setting the client's individual discount for services in work orders and invoices. Type in a number that means the percent of the discount. This column is not mandatory.

Please note that the value cannot be more than 100.

Discount on products/materials in Work Order and Invoice is a column for setting the client's individual discount on products/materials in work orders and invoices. Type in a number that means the percent of the discount. This column is not mandatory.

Please note that the value cannot be more than 100.

Discount on products in Sales (price type) is a column for setting the client's personal discount on products in sales. Specify the exact name of the price that will be automatically applied during the sale of this client's items. This column is not mandatory.

Discount on products/materials in Work Order and Invoice by (price type) is a column for setting the client's individual discount on products/materials in work orders and invoices. Specify the exact name of the price that will be automatically applied to products/materials in the work orders and invoices of the client. This column is not mandatory.

Balance is the column for entering the initial balance of the client.

Important: The client's balance can be changed only if the "Can adjust client's balance" option is ticked in the settings of the employee role.

If you are in settlement with the client, enter 0 (zero) in this column. If the client owes you, enter the amount of the debt with a + (plus) sign. If you owe the client (supplier), specify the amount of the debt with a - (minus) sign.

When you enter the client's balance in this way, the Balance tab of the client's profile automatically creates a balance adjustment with the comment "Balance adjustment via import".

How do I add information to the custom fields using import?

If you have already set up the client form and want to upload the information to the custom fields using import, add a column to the end of the file. Name this column the same as the custom field in the client form.

For example, in the client's form, the custom field "Passport data" is added.

In the import file, you need to add a column with the same name (at the end of the file, after the "Balance" column).

Step 3. After all the information is filled in, click the Attach File button and add the previously saved file.

Step 4. Click the Import button.

If the file has errors, you will see a notification. In this case, you need to fix the error in the file and re-download it.

Updating Your Existing Customer Database

Export/Import allows you to update a large amount of client information quickly.

1. Click the Export button on the Clients page to download an Excel file to your PC.

2. Open the downloaded file and make the necessary changes in the columns.

Important: The Client ID column has a unique Client ID that cannot be edited. If you change the values in this column, Orderry will not be able to identify this client when importing and thus create a duplicate.

3. Upload the updated file to the system using the Import button. Please note that one file can contain not more than 5000 rows.

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