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The Cash Flow Report

Find out how a Cash Flow Report can help you control your company's cash flow

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Cash Flow Report shows where funds come from and what they are spent on for a certain period in terms of cash flow items.

Note, that the Cash Flow report is available if you have checked the “Use cash flow accounting system” checkbox on the Settings > Finances page.

You can generate a report on the page Reports > Finance > Cash Flow according to two parameters:

  • Period — makes it possible to choose the time period for which the report is generated: today, yesterday, past week, month to date, last week, last month and choose a date yourself

  • Cashbox — allows you to select one, several, or all cashboxes for all locations

After selecting the necessary parameters, click on the Apply button.

The report is generated for each cash flow item. The amount of income is shown in green and expense in red.

You can expand the report and see the amounts in the context of each type items.

Inside the table, you can sort by columns, for this, click on the name of the column by which you want to sort. The bottom right shows the total amount of the Income and Expense, according to the selected parameters.

The report can be immediately printed or exported to your PC as an Excel-file. In the Excel-file, there will also be a column with the name of the client.

Please note that the report does not display the money transfers between cashboxes. Since the transfer of money is not the expense or income from external sources. To check balances in cashboxes, you need to use the Cash Report, which is generated on the Finances > Payments page.

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