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Archived Location

Find out how to archive and restore a location

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over a month ago

The Archived location is a location that has been temporarily removed but can be restored at any time.

For example, you may need to archive a location if you have a seasonal business, or if one of the locations is temporarily closed for some reason.

You can view your archived locations for the duration of the active subscription, but cannot edit them or add new information. There is an "(Archive)" label next to their names and they are strikethrough in the list of locations.

Archiving Locations

Step 1. Go to the Settings > Locations page and select a location.

Step 2. Click Delete > Archive.

Please note that archived locations do not affect the cost of your subscription. So, after archiving, you can go to the Settings > Subscription page to remove the location you don’t use from your plan. Your subscription will be recalculated automatically.

How to Restore an Archived Location

Step 1. You must first add the location to your subscription plan on the Settings > Subscription page.

Step 2. Double-click the archived location on the Settings > Locations page.

Step 3. Click on the Restore button.

Done! Now you can operate in this location again!

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