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How To Add Work Order Statuses?
How To Add Work Order Statuses?

Learn how to create and configure a new work order status

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 2 months ago

Build your order process sequence with Orderry order statuses. Read more about the possibility of using order statuses here.

Our system has several built-in order statuses:

  • New

  • Estimate

  • Diagnostic

  • In progress

  • On approval

  • Waiting for parts

  • Done

  • Waiting for collection

  • Closed

  • Archived

  • Lost - price

  • Lost - quality

  • Lost - terms

You can create, edit, and remove order statuses. Navigate to the “Settings > Statuses” page if your Orderry account has access rights for it.

Use Orderry order statuses to build a step-by-step employee workflow. Using the initial status of the order type makes it possible to describe your business process for different application forms and reduces the likelihood of mistakes due to human factors. The status time limits allows you to control employees' actions and the orders’ timing at each stage.

Creating a new status

Step 1. Go to “Settings > Statuses” and hit the “+ Status” button.

Step 2. Configure the status and enter its name. We encourage you to use concise names, so they display in the order table correctly.

Assign your status to a status group. There are 6 status groups in the system:

  • New

  • In progress

  • Pending

  • Done

  • Delivery

  • Closed

  • Dropped off

Note: “Closed” and “Dropped off” belong to the “Closed” group.

The order status group defines the order color and functionality.

For instance, the order payment dialog pops up if you transition the unpaid order to any status of the “Closed” group.

Check the “Time limits” checkbox to set the maximum time order can be in this status.

Note: changing status colors is not currently supported.

When the set status term expires, in the order table in the column “Status deadline” the lightning bolt icon will become colored and the delay time will be displayed. Read more about the “Time limits” status here.

Check the “Display overdue in the badge” checkbox to enable filtering your order list by the “Overdue badge” in this status.

Check the “When transferring to this status, require Comment” to force employees to leave a comment before they can transition orders to this status.

Find employee comments in the event feed.

You can also check the “When transferring to this status, require Create payment”. So that the employee cannot transfer the order to this status without creating a receipt of money at the cashier for this order.

Important: for statuses from the “Closed” group, the “Create payment” option is not available, since this function is automatically installed for this group.

Move asset for safekeeping - mark this checkbox to automatically move the asset to a specific warehouse when this status is set. Learn more about moving products in this article.

For example, when you switch to the Diagnostics status, the item is moved to the Awaiting Repair warehouse. When the master transfers the order to the "In progress" status, the product is moved to the employee's warehouse. When the order is transferred to the "Done" status, the product goes to the "Issued" warehouse, and when the order is closed, it returns to the customer's warehouse.

The “Status available” section enables you to configure user rights for your employees. Check the user roles checkboxes to allow them to view and set this status.

Example: “Specialist” can set the “Delivery” status, but cannot access the order after this status is set. At the same time, the “Manager” can only view orders with this status.

The “Statuses you can transfer this status to” section allows you to select the statuses you can transition your orders from the one you create.

For instance, you can transition your orders with “Delivery” status only to “On approval”, “Closed” and “Dropped off” statuses.

Documents available for printing - select the checkboxes for the documents you want to have available for printing in a specific order status at a specific location. Other documents will not be displayed when you click the print button.

Step 3. Hit the “Save” button. There you have it, you can now see the new status in the status list.

Editing and removing statuses

Go to “Settings > Statuses”, double-click the needed status and edit its settings in the status dialog window.

Note: you cannot edit the “Statuses you can transfer to this status from” section in the dialog window. If you need to enable some statuses to transfer to the current one, you can do this in their dialog windows.

Consider this sample status sequence: Status A > Status B. In this case, you can only configure the connection from the dialog window of the Status A.

More about setting up order status transition rules here.

Open its dialog window on the “Settings > Statuses” page and hit the “Remove” button if you need to remove your order status.

Remember: you cannot remove the status if there are any active orders in this status or if the status is set as the initial in any type of order.

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