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Directories. General Information
Directories. General Information

Learn how Directories can help you set the process of Work Order entry up to speed

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 11 months ago

Directory is an arranged catalog (set) of unique entities (items) that contains short and concise information on the same theme.

For instance: Models, Vendors, Defects.

The Assets Directory found on the “Settings > Directories > Assets” page has multiple levels that help drastically reduce the time and effort involved in data entry for the “Group — Brand — Model — Modification” system field in the Asset Form.

For example, choosing the “Laptops” group prompts the next level with a list of producers (“Brand”). Eventually, selecting the “Asus” brand will prompt the next level with a list of models produced by Asus for you to choose from.

The “Settings > Directories > Custom directories” page represents all custom directories you may use for making data entry in Work Orders, Leads, and Client Profiles quick and error-free. By default, you have some preset Directories, based on your industry. To enable extra directories, please contact Orderry Support.

For example, when choosing “Mobile” for a type of your business during sign-up, we will automatically install a list of the corresponding models for you to get started. In the case you additionally deal with other brands or types of consumer electronics, our support team will add just as many custom directories as you may need.

Directories and their benefits for you and your business:

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