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Features of the Orderry Mobile App

Learn how to edit work order, add a photo, image, or comment to a work order directly from your phone

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over a week ago


On this tab, you can see all tasks (in progress and completed), as well as create new tasks.

Tap the search icon to find a task. To create a new task, tap + in the upper right corner. Add a name and description of the task, set the due date, assign a responsible person and, if necessary, a client. Then, tap Save.

Select the "In progress" switch to see all pending tasks. Tasks that are in progress are sorted by the due date. First, you see overdue tasks, then for today, tomorrow, etc.

Set the "Done" switch to see all completed tasks. Above you can tap on the calendar icon to select a different time period.

When you tap on the task card, you will see its details with the option to switch to the Event Feed. On the Task Details tab, you can edit the information (change the name, due date, assignee or client), as well as mark the task as completed.

In the upper right corner, you can tap the information icon and delete or share a task.

In the Event Feed, you can add a photo or a comment to the task.

Tap on:

  • a staple icon to select a file

  • a picture icon to select a photo from the gallery

  • a camera icon to take and add a photo

Note: Images must be no larger than 5 MB.

Files and comments added to the task from the mobile application will be displayed in the Task Event Feed in the web version.

Work Orders

You can view all work orders in the selected location on this tab and create new work orders. You can customize the work order card on the Settings tab.

To switch to another location, tap on its name and select another one.

Tap the icon at the top left to sort or filter work orders.

You can sort out work orders by the date of creation, the due date (the Due date field), or the appointment time.

Below, you can set a filter using such parameters as Status, Order type, Creation date, Due date, Scheduled for, Manager, and Assigned Technician. Or you can click on the filter's name created in the web version.

Please note that in the filter parameters "Due Date" and "Scheduled for", you can choose from Overdue, Today, Tomorrow, This Week, etc. This way, you can easily customize the display of overdue work orders by due date or see all work orders scheduled for this week.

To apply the sorting and filter, click Done.

To search for a specific work order, tap the search icon and type a search query or tap the scanner icon and scan the work order QR-code. The search for work orders works similarly to the web version of Orderry.

Note: In the active search mode, you cannot filter or sort work orders.

When you tap on the work order card, you will see its details with the option to switch to the Event Feed. The Order Details tab displays information about the work order, client, services / products added, and payments.

In this tab, you can:

To the right of the work order number, you can tap the information icon and find the client address on the map, call the manager, print documents, copy/share public page link or share the work order link.

Note that when using the mobile app on an iOS device, you can print documents via AirPrint. AirPrint technology is available on most common printer models and you don't need to download or install any additional apps to use it.

1. Click the Print Documents button, select the document you want to print, and click Print.

2. Select a printer, set the desired print settings, and click the Print button. Or click on the Share icon to send the document to a client in an instant message, text, etc.

In the Event Feed, you can create a task, and add a photo or a comment to the work order.

Tap on:

  • a task icon to create a task, connected with the work order

  • a staple icon to select a file

  • a picture icon to select a photo from the gallery

  • a camera icon to take and add a photo

Important: Images must be no larger than 5 MB.

Files and comments added to the work order from the mobile application will be displayed in the work order event feed in the web version.


This tab shows the list of cash boxes available to the employee in the selected location.

To change the location of the checkbox, click the change icon and then click the edit icon to the right of the checkbox and drag it to a new location. Click the Done button to save your changes.

Click on the name of the cashbox to open the cash flow for that cashbox. The default display period is the current week. Click on the calendar to change the display period.

Tap the payment to view information about it. By tapping the icon in the upper right corner, you can delete a payment or restore a deleted payment.

Remember that a deleted payment does not disappear completely but becomes crossed out.

How to make an income, expense or movement of money in a cashbox

There are two ways to make a transaction in the cashbox in the mobile application.

Option 1. In the list of cashboxes, click the card of a cashbox and select the necessary operation: Income, Expense or Transfer.

Option 2. Go to the cashbox you need, click the button “+” in the right top corner, and choose the necessary operation.

Fill in the payment information and click Save.


Click on the notification icon on the home page to see all Push notifications. You can set the events for which notifications should be sent in the Settings section. The following events are currently available:

  • you have been assigned to a task

  • your task’s deadline has been changed

  • your task’s deadline has expired

  • you have been assigned as a manager or assignee

  • the appointment time in your work order has been changed

  • the status of your work order has been changed

  • a comment has been added to your task or work order

You can receive a notification only if you did not initiate the event. E.g., if you create a task and assign it to yourself or add a comment to your work order, you won't receive a notification. But if another employee creates a task for you or another employee adds a comment to your work order, you will receive a notification.

Click on the notification to immediately open the task or work order for which you received the notification. Swipe left to remove notifications from the list.

Please note that notifications are stored in this section for 7 days and then automatically deleted.


The QR-scanner is currently used to search for a work order by its QR-code.

Step 1. Open a work order and tap the QR code icon next to the work order number.

You can also print the same QR code in the document templates using the {QR Code} variable and then scan it directly from the document.

Step 2. In the Orderry mobile app, go to the QR-scanner tab, scan the QR-code of the work order and tap Open.

After that, you'll see the work order card open for viewing details, event feed, or adding a photo and comment.

Note that you can set up the QR-scanner in the Settings section so that it opens the work order immediately or after confirmation.

If you select One code, the work order will open instantly. Use this option for scanning media where there is always one code.

If you select Multiple codes, the work order will open after confirmation. This setting is suitable when several QR codes are placed side by side and a specific code must be selected.


Click on the icon in the upper right corner to go to settings. Here you can:

  • Turn Face ID/Touch ID on or off

  • Set up the Notifications

  • Customize the work order card

  • Set up the QR scanner

  • Change the order in which the main menu sections are displayed

  • Change the application language

  • Go to the Help Center

  • Contact the support chat or report a bug

  • Log out of the account

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