Easily customize your public estimate page in Orderry to showcase essential details for clients. This guide will help you set up the page appearance, configure approval options, and automate notifications—making it simple for clients to review, accept, or decline estimates directly.
Customizing public page
In order to customize the public form, go to Settings > Public pages.
In the Appearance block, tick the checkboxes for the information you want the client to see on the estimate's public page besides the information about products and services. Here you can enable company logo, name, address, email etc. All this data is taken from Settings > General > Company info section.
Save the settings.
Configuring estimate acceptance
In the Estimates block, you need to allow clients to accept/decline a document.
Set up statuses that enable the accept and decline buttons on the public page, as well as the estimate status after accepting and declining a public form. The client will be able to accept the document whenever the estimate is in the statuses with the accept/decline buttons enabled.
Additionally, you can require the client to add an e-signature.
Save the settings.
For more detailed instructions, read Setting Up Public Pages.
Next, you need to set up a notification template to automatically or manually send a message with a link where the client can view the details and accept or decline the estimate.
Creating the message template
1. Go to the Settings > Notifications page in the Templates section.
2. Click the "+ Template" button if you want to add a new template, or click on the name of an existing template to edit it.
The text of the message template can be anything, but it must contain the {Estimate Client URL} variable, it can be found in the Other block. It is this variable that forms the link for the client.
Automatically sending an estimate for acceptance
1. Click the "+ Notification" button in the "For Clients" section.
2. Select the "Work order status changed to" event and the desired status.
3. Specify the message type: SMS or Email.
4. If necessary, set up delayed sending of the notification.
5. Select a message template.
After the estimate has moved to the specified status, the client will receive a message that will contain a link to the public form with the estimate.
The public form will contain all the information about products and services added to the estimate, the manager, the asset as well as the information enabled while customizing the public page as told in the instructions above.
If necessary, the client will be able to change the language of the public form by selecting the desired language at the top of the page if you have enabled the language switch on the Settings > Public pages page.
Acceptance, decline of the estimate and the client signature are all logged in the event feed.
In addition, you can set up payment for the order on the public order form immediately after accepting the estimates form. Read more in this article.