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Setting Up Public Pages

Learn how to configure order and estimate public forms with acceptance and payment buttons

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated this week

The public page in Orderry - is a convenient information space for the customer, where they can see all the details of the order: services, products, prices, and other important data. This is where the client can view the information, confirm the order, or make a payment, depending on the selected settings. Orderry allows you to customize the appearance and functions of public estimate and order pages on the Settings > Public pages page.

This section of the settings consists of three blocks:

  1. Appearance

  2. Estimates

  3. Orders

Appearance block

In this block, you can customize the appearance of public pages, namely the components you want to display, in addition to the required elements. To do this, simply enable the field you need and customize it if possible.

Fields with company information are filled in automatically, taking data from the Settings > General > Company info page.

  • Logo. You can select the size parameter (small or large), which determines the size of the top block on the public page.

  • Name

  • Address

  • Email

  • Details

  • Additional information

They cannot be edited when setting up a public page. In order to change this data, you need to change it in the Settings > General > Company information section.

Display conclusion / client recommendations - this is the information from the Conclusion / client recommendations field on the Services and products tab in the order.

💡 If you want to display additional information about the order (asset data, warranty, etc.) to the customer, enter this information in the Conclusion / client recommendations field.

Display language switcher - enables or disables the ability to change the language on the public page. If this switch is disabled, the language is set automatically depending on the settings of the client's browser when he opens the public page.

Save the settings.

Estimates block

In this block, you can configure the process of estimates confirmation.

Allow clients to accept/decline a document - select this checkbox to display the Accept and Decline buttons on the public estimate page.

Select the estimate statuses in which you want to display the accept/reject buttons.

Require client signature - set the requirement to use an electronic signature for confirmation.

After clicking on the confirmation button, a window will open where the customer will have to leave his/her electronic signature.

This signature will be displayed in the event feed, as well as at the bottom of the public page, along with the date when the signature was created.

If accepted, move to the status - set the status of the estimate after acceptance.

If declined, move to the status - set the status of the estimate after rejection.

Please note: for the status change to work correctly, it is necessary that the status in the first field can change to the status in the second field in accordance with the configured status transition rules.

Save the settings.

Read more about the public estimate page here.

Order block

Allow clients to accept/decline a document - select this checkbox to display the “Accept” and “Reject” buttons on the public order page.

Select the order statuses in which you want to display the accept/reject buttons.

Require client signature - set the requirement to use an electronic signature for confirmation.

If accepted, move to the status - set the status of the order after acceptance.

If declined, move to the status - set the status of the order after rejection.

Please note: for the status change to work correctly, it is necessary that the status in the first field can change to the status in the second field in accordance with the configured status transition rules.

Save the settings.

Online Payments

Enable online payments - check this box to display a payment button on the public order page.

Next, you need to configure the payment system settings:

Select in which order statuses you want to display the payment button on the public order confirmation form. You can select more than one status.

In the second field, select which status the order should switch to after the customer makes a payment from the public confirmation form.

Please note: for the status change to work correctly, it is necessary that the status in the first field can change to the status in the second field in accordance with the configured status transition rules.

In the Default company merchant field, select the default payment system that will be used if you do not have default location merchants configured. This can be done in the Settings > Locations section.

Save the settings.

Read more about order payment via the public form here.

Re-accepting an estimate/order

If you need an ability for a client to re-accept an estimate or order, you simply need to switch them to a status that displays the appropriate accept/decline buttons. To do this, you need to correctly configure the rules for switching between estimate and order statuses. All acceptances, declines, and signatures will be recorded in the event feed.

For example, an order in the Requires approval status has been declined, and it moves to the Rejected status. To be able to re-accept it, you need to configure the possibility for the Rejected status to switch back to the Requires approval status.

This way, you can send the estimate/order for re-acceptance after decline, or even allow the customer to accept documents at several stages of working on the estimate/order.

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