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Specialists Report

Find out which specialist does the most services

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over a week ago

The Specialist Report shows how many services were performed by each specialist and their total amount.

You can generate a report on the Reports > Work Orders > Specialists Report page.

Set the required parameters and click the Apply button.

  • Period. This parameter allows you to select the time frame for which the report will be generated: today, yesterday, this week, this month, last week, last month, and custom.

  • Location. Here you can select one / several / all locations if there is more than one.

A report will be generated for each performer with the number and total amount of labors.

Note: The report includes services and labors from all work orders, regardless of the work order status.

You can expand each specialist and see the names, quantity, and total amount of their labors. You can sort inside the table by columns. To do that, click on the name of the column you want to sort by. At the bottom right you can see the total number of services and the amount for the selected period.

The report can be exported to your PC as an Excel file. The Excel file will also contain a column with the date and time the service / labor was added to the work order and the work order number.

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