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Integration with QuickBooks
Integration with QuickBooks

Learn how to set up and use QuickBooks integration

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over a month ago

QuickBooks Online is a small business accounting software that makes it easy to manage books, expenses, invoices, etc.

The integration with QuickBooks allows Orderry users to:

  • automatically create new customers from Orderry in QuickBooks

  • automatically or manually sync Orderry work orders and invoices with QuickBooks

  • match taxes in Orderry and QuickBooks

  • update the invoices already created in QuickBooks from Orderry just in one click

  • automatically save products and services from Orderry work orders or invoices to QuickBooks

Step 1. Set Up and Enable Quickbooks Integration

1. Go to the Settings > Integrations page, find Quickbooks, and click Configure.

2. Check Integration enabled.

If necessary, enable the “Create new clients in QuickBooks” checkbox. Orderry checks if there is a client in Quickbooks by e-mail. If such a client already exists, then just an invoice will be created. If there is no client with this e-mail, then a new client will be automatically created in Quickbooks along with the invoice.

Please note, if you have the “Create new clients in QuickBooks” checkbox unchecked and the client from the work order/invoice is not in Quickbooks, then such a work order/invoice will not be sent to Quickbooks.

Document sending settings

In order for documents to be automatically sent to the QuickBooks account, you need to select the status for automatic sending to QuickBooks Online.

Currently, you can set up automatic sending for invoices and orders.

You can set up automatic sending by status below. To do this, select an invoice/work order status. As a result, every invoice or work order that you move to the specified status will automatically be sent to Quickbooks.

You can also enable the manual sending of invoices/work orders. To do this, check the “Allow manual sending” checkbox. As a result, a “Send to Quickbooks” button will appear on each invoice/work order in Orderry for manual sending.

Tax mapping

For U.S. Users

In the “Tax code in Quickbooks Online” column, type the word Tax.

In the “Tax code in Orderry” column, select the matching tax from the Orderry system. We remind you that you can add and adjust taxes on the Settings >Finances> Taxes page.

For Users from Other Countries

In the “Tax code in Quickbooks Online” column, type the name of the tax from the Quickbooks system. The tax name can be found in your personal profile on the Taxes page.

In the “Tax code in Orderry” column, select the matching tax from the Orderry system. We remind you that you can add and adjust taxes on the Settings >Finances > Taxes page.

Important: Taxes in Quickbooks must be of the Sales type for the integration to work correctly. This can be set when adding a new Tax on the Taxes page.

If you use more than one tax, click the + Add tax button and adjust the matching.

6. Click Save. Congratulations, the configuration is complete and now you can move on to the next step — authorization.

Step 2. Set up the QuickBooks account

Transferring Products and Services from Orderry Invoices/Work Orders to Quickbooks

Products and services are searched by name as the name is a unique identifier.

If you already have all services and products created in Quickbooks, then we recommend exporting them and importing them into Orderry.

If you do not have products and services created in Quickbooks, they will automatically be created in Quickbooks when you transfer invoices from Orderry.

Please note that you must have an Income account named Sale in Quickbooks for the invoices to be transferred properly.

Otherwise, an error will occur when transferring new products from an invoice/ work order and the invoice will not be sent to Quickbooks.

If for some reason you don't have such an Income account in your list, you can always create one in the Chart of accounts section.

Later you can always find this product or service in Quickbooks and change the Income account.

Invoice Numbering

QuickBooks has a default numbering system, where each created or transferred invoice, regardless of its type (Order Invoice or just Invoice) is numbered sequentially, starting with 1001.

For example, if you send an Order Invoice and then an Invoice to QuickBooks, they will be numbered 1001 and 1002 respectively.

Unfortunately, there are no settings to allow transferring documents from Orderry to QuickBooks, saving their numbering. However, you can adjust the settings in QuickBooks so that you can edit Invoice numbers yourself.

To allow adjusting Invoice number on each transferred document:

1. Go to Settings > Account and Settings.

2. Open Sales section.

3. Turn on Custom transaction numbers and click Done to save the setting below.

Now each new document, transferred from Orderry to QuickBooks won’t have a number, but you will be able to change it to whatever number you need, including matching it to the order/invoice number in Orderry.

To do that, just open the Invoice, edit the Invoice No. field and save the invoice.

Key QuickBooks Setup Points

✅ Confirm an Income account named "Sale" exists to avoid transfer errors.

✅ Use only Sales-type taxes in QuickBooks for proper integration operation.

✅ Enable Custom transaction numbers in Settings > Account and Settings > Sales to edit invoice numbers manually to match the ones from Orderry.

Step 3. Sign In and Connect Quickbooks to Orderry

1. Go to your user profile under Personal info and click the Enable button next to Quickbooks.

2. Log in to your Quickbooks account.

If you have more than one company in Quickbooks, select the necessary one. You can only connect to one Quickbooks company at a time. You will always be able to sign out of a company and into another one to send an invoice.

After that, you will see that Quickbooks is successfully connected.

Important: If you want your employees to also be able to use the integration and send invoices to Quickbooks, then each employee must be logged in to their account.

How It Works

Depending on the options you select in the integration settings window, invoices or work orders from Orderry are automatically or manually sent to Quickbooks.

You can see these invoices on the Sales > Invoices page.

The following information is transferred from Orderry to QuickBooks invoices:

  • Client: first name, last name, email;

Additionally, if the client is created in QuickBooks according to your settings, the phone number will also be transferred to the customer profile in QuickBooks.

  • Products & Services: name of the product or service, quantity, rate, amount, tax.

If a Quickbooks invoice has already been sent, you will see a warning when you try to do it again manually or automatically from Orderry.

Click Update to have the previous invoice data deleted and completely updated with the new data. Click Create new to keep the previous invoice information and create a new invoice (with a new number) in Quickbooks.

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