All active notifications and their templates are displayed in the tables on the Settings > Notifications page.
Use group actions to work with a large number of messages:
change the method of sending messages in bulk
change the template for several different notifications at once
duplicate notification templates
mass delete unnecessary notifications and their templates
Group actions with notifications and reminders
Step 1. Check the notifications you need.
Step 2. After selecting notifications, a panel with buttons for group actions appears at the bottom.
Click the More actions button to open a list of additional actions:
1. Change template. If you select this action, you have to choose a template that will be used in the selected notifications.
2. Change sending method. Select the sending method that will be used for the selected notifications.
Click the Delete button to remove the selected notifications.
Group actions with notification templates
Step 1. Check the templates you need.
Step 2. After selecting templates from the bottom, there is a panel with buttons for group actions.
Click the More actions button to open a list of additional actions:
Duplicate. If this action is selected, all of the selected templates are immediately duplicated. You can select a template by its name, and the word "Copy" will be displayed at the end of the duplicate’s name.
Click the Delete button to remove the selected templates. Please note that you can't remove the template used in the notification.
Important: It is not possible to restore templates or notifications that you have deleted so please be careful when deleting them.