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All CollectionsProduct UpdatesApril 2024
Payroll Updates Digest: Printing and Exporting, Commissions in Activity Log, and Customized Payroll Viewing Periods for Employees
Payroll Updates Digest: Printing and Exporting, Commissions in Activity Log, and Customized Payroll Viewing Periods for Employees

Learn details about the latest Payroll updates

Hanna avatar
Written by Hanna
Updated over 11 months ago

In our ongoing commitment to enhancing your experience with business management software, we're excited to introduce recent updates focusing on payroll management in Orderry. Here's a quick overview:

Payroll Printing and Exporting

Orderry now offers enhanced flexibility for managing payroll calculations and accruals. Users can easily print and export payroll data, enabling effortless report generation. For instance, you can select specific employees from a list and export their payroll calculations in bulk.

Improved Tracking of Payroll Calculation Rules

We've introduced advanced tracking capabilities for changes related to payroll calculation rules, especially regarding commissions. Users can monitor modifications to commission rules in real-time via the Activity log. This includes tracking when a commission was created, modified, applied, unapplied, or deleted, ensuring transparency and accountability in maintaining accurate payroll records.

Customized Payroll Viewing Periods for Employees

Recognizing the importance of employee engagement and transparency, managers can now set up viewing periods for the My Payroll page in the User profile. In the employee role settings, you can set up whether you want to display payroll for the current month, or past 3/6 month or year, or for all time.

These enhancements, including printing and exporting capabilities, tracking of payroll calculation rules, and customizable payroll viewing periods for employees, reflect Orderry's dedication to empowering businesses with streamlined payroll processes and transparent workforce management.

Furthermore, anticipate a more informative and user-friendly Work Order Scheduler in the web app, along with new Sales and Services sections in the mobile app.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Support team via chat. We're here to help!

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