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Variables in Template Notifications for Work Orders
Variables in Template Notifications for Work Orders

Let's find out where the notification template variables for Work Orders get their values

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over 2 months ago

Configure your notification templates and set up an automatic notification sending on the Settings > Notifications > Work Orders page to minimize manual work.

Orderry fills your notification data automatically via template variables. There are 8 groups of variables you can use in the system: Company, Client, Order, Asset, Employees, Finance, Date, and Other. Let's consider each group and its variables in detail.

1. Company group

  • {Company Name} variable represents the company name you configure on the Settings > General page.

  • {Company Address} variable represents the company address you configure on the Settings > General page.

  • {Company Email} variable represents the company email address you configure on the Settings > General page.

  • {Company Details} variable represents the company details you configure on the Settings > General page.

  • {Company Note} variable represents the additional information about your company you configure on the Settings > General page.

2. Client group

The variable names correspond to the client profile field names.

  • {Client Phone Type} — displays the name of the phone number type from the client profile.

  • {Client Name} variable represents the client's full name.

  • {Client Phone} variable represents the client's first phone number.

  • {Client Address} variable represents the client's address.

  • {Client Email} variable represents the client's email address.

  • {Client First Name} variable represents the client's first name.

  • {Client Last Name} variable represents the client's last name.

3. Order group

  • {Order Due Date} variable represents the “Due date” field value from the “General info” tab in the following format: 20 June 2020.

  • {Order Malfunction} variable represents the “Malfunction” field value from the “General info” tab.

  • {Estimated Price} variable represents the “Estimated price” field value from the “General info” tab.

  • {Order Manager Notes} variable represents the “Manager notes” field value from the “General info” tab.

  • {Urgent} variable represents the “Urgent” checkbox value from the “General info” tab. The checked checkbox returns the “Yes” value, unchecked checkbox returns the “No” value.

  • {Order Scheduled For} variable represents the “Scheduled for” field value from the “General info” tab in the following format: 20/06/2020 14:00.

  • {Order Duration} variable represents the “Duration” field value from the “General info” tab.

  • {Order Resource} variable represents the “Resource” field value from the “General info” tab.

  • {Ad Campaign} variable represents the “Ad Campaign” field value from the “General info” tab.

  • {Payer Name} variable represents the payer's name.

4. Asset group

  • {Asset Owner} variable represents the name of the owner (if the owner is a customer) or the name of your company (if you are the owner);

  • {Asset Warehouse} variable represents the name of the warehouse where the asset is located at the moment of printing the document.

  • {Asset Type} variable represents the data from the “Group” asset system field.

  • {Asset Brand} variable represents the data from the “Brand” asset system field.

  • {Asset Model} variable represents the data from the “Model” asset system field.

  • {Asset Modification} variable represents the data from the “Modification” asset system field.

  • {Asset Serial Number} variable represents the data from the “Serial Number/IMEI/VIN” asset system field.

  • {Asset Color} variable represents the data from the system field of the same name in the asset form.

  • {Asset State} variable represents the data from the system field of the same name in the asset form.

  • {Asset Year} variable represents the data from the system field of the same name in the asset form.

  • {Asset Cost} variable represents the data from the system field of the same name in the asset form.

  • {Vehicle Number Plate} - displays the license plate number specified in the vehicle profile. (This variable is available only in auto accounts)

5. Employees group

  • {Order Created By} variable represents the name of an employee that created the order. The variable gets its value from the employee profile field of the same name on the Settings > Employees page.

  • {Order Specialist Name} variable represents the name of an employee assigned as a specialist for the work order in the “General info” tab. The variable gets its value from the employee profile field of the same name on the Settings > Employees page.

  • {Order Specialist Phone} variable represents the phone number of an employee assigned as a specialist for the work order in the “General info” tab. The variable gets its value from the employee profile field of the same name on the Settings > Employees page.

  • {Order Manager Name} variable represents the name of an employee assigned as a manager for the work order in the “General info” tab. The variable gets its value from the employee profile field of the same name on the Settings > Employees page.

  • {Order Manager Phone} variable represents the phone number of an employee assigned as a manager for the work order in the “General info” tab. The variable gets its value from the employee profile field of the same name on the Settings > Employees page.

  • {Order Closed By} variable represents the name of an employee that closed the work order. The variable gets its value from the employee profile field of the same name on the Settings > Employees page.

  • {Order Manager Notes} variable represents the “Manager notes” field value from the “General info” tab.

  • {Order Specialist Notes} variable represents the “Specialist Notes” field value from the “General info” tab.

  • {Current User} — displays the name of the employee who is sending the notification.

6. Finance group

  • {Estimated Price} variable represents the “Estimated price” field value from the “General info” tab.

  • {Estimated Price Spelled Out} variable represents the “Estimated price” field value in letters from the “General info” tab.

  • {Paid} variable represents the sum that the client already paid to the moment of the document printing.

  • {Paid Spelled Out} variable represents the sum in letters that the client already paid to the moment of the document printing.

  • {Invoice Total Amount} ー displays the amount to be paid by the customer at the time the message is sent, taking into account prepayments and other payments made on the order or invoice (if any).

  • {Balance Due} ー displays the amount to be paid by the customer at the time the document is printed, taking into account prepayments and other payments made on the order or invoice (if any).

  • {Order sum} variable displays the total work order sum.

  • {Tax Rate} variable displays the Tax rate you can configure on the Settings > Taxes page.

  • {Currency} variable displays the currency icon you can set on the Settings > General > Company info page.

7. Date group

  • {Order Created Date} variable represents the work order creation date in the following format: 20 June 2019.

  • {Order Done Date} variable represents the date when you transferred the work order to the status of the “Done” group in the following format: 20 June 2019. The variable stores the date of last work order transfer to the status of the “Done” group.

  • {Order Due Date} variable represents the date value of the “Due date” field in the following format: 20 June 2019.

  • {Order Closed Date} variable represents the date when you transfer the work order to the status of the “Closed” or “Dropped off” group in the following format: 20 June 2019. The variable stores the date of last work order transfer to the status of the “Closed” or “Dropped off” group.

  • {Today Date} variable represents the current date in the following format: 20 June 2019.

  • {Sale Date} - date of creation of the sale.

  • {Today Datetime} variable represents the current date and time in the following format: 20 June 2019 17:53.

  • {Order Scheduled For} variable represents the Scheduled for” field value from the “General info” tab in the following format: 29/01/2019 18:53.

  • {Order Warranty Expiration Date} variable represents the general warranty value for all parts and services from a specific work order in the following format: 20 June 2019. Configure the warranty start date on the Settings > General > Work Orders page.

  • {Order Due Date Time} variable represents the date and time value of the “Due date” field in the following format: 20 June 2019 10:53.

Note: the {Order Warranty Expiration Date} variable contains “No warranty” values for work orders in the statuses of New, In progress, or Pending group. Enable warranty date by transferring the work order to the status of Done, Closed, or Dropped off (depending on the work order configuration on the Settings > General > Work Orders page).

8. Others group

  • {Order Number} variable represents the work order number.

  • {Order Type} variable represents the Work Order type field value from the “General info” tab.

  • {Barcode} variable represents the work order barcode Orderry generates upon work order creation. Use this variable in your Email templates.

  • {Order Specialist URL} is a variable that generates a link that takes the technician to a web page with brief information about the work order.

For example:

  • {Order Specialist URL SMS} a variable that generates a link that takes the specialist to a web page with brief information about the work order and can be sent via SMS.

  • {Order Client URL SMS} a variable that generates a link that takes the client to a web page with brief information about the work order and can be sent via SMS.

  • {Order Client URL} is a variable that generates a link that takes the client to a web page with brief information about the work order. This variable can be used in templates for sending email notifications.

For example:

  • {Order Conclusion} variable represents the “Verdict/client recommendations” field value from the “Labor and materials” tab.

  • {Estimate Client URL} - a variable that generates a link to a public page where the client can view information about the order, accept and/or pay for it.

  • {Order URL} is a variable that generates a link for employees, that goes to a specific work order in the mobile or web version.

  • {Location} - the name of the location where the order is located.

  • {Client Feedback URL} variable generates the link to your client feedback page.

  • {Client Feedback QR Сode} variable generates a QR-code with the link for the client feedback page.

Each time you add custom fields to the Client, Order, or Asset forms, the system adds corresponding variables to the list. You can distinguish them from the system variables by the digital code in the names, for instance: {Client Birthday 673232}.

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