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How To Find Duplicate Products?
How To Find Duplicate Products?

Learn how to search for duplicate products

Xenia avatar
Written by Xenia
Updated over a month ago

As of now, you can search for duplicates among products by exporting products and searching for duplicates in a file in Excel.

Find duplicates in an Excel sheet

1. Go to the My company > Products page and click the Export button.

2. Open the file on your computer. Highlight the column you want to search for duplicates in, for example, the SKU or Code column. In the main settings, click Conditional formatting and select Duplicate values in the Highlighted cell rules.

3. Select the format in which duplicates will be displayed and click OK.

After changing the information, save the file. Then you can upload it on the Warehouse > Products and categories page using the Import button.

Find duplicates in a Google Excel sheet

1. Open the downloaded file in Excel or Google Sheets. Highlight the column you want to search for duplicates in, for example, the Article or Code column. Then click Formatting and select Conditional formatting.

2. In the formatting rules, select Custom Formula and enter the following formula:


Note that C is a column letter, so if you select a different column, replace the letter C with the one you want.

Click the Done button.

As a result, cells that contain the same information will be highlighted with the selected color.

If you have searched for duplicates to change the unique product identifier, you can change the information directly in this file.

Please note that you cannot change the value in the "ID" column for correct subsequent uploading.

After changing the information, save the file. Then you can upload it on the Warehouse > Products and categories page using the Import button.

We remind you that you can also merge duplicate products in Orderry. Learn more about merging duplicates in this article.

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