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User Access Permissions: My company

Learn how to configure a set of permissions for your employees to access My company page

Amalia avatar
Written by Amalia
Updated over 2 months ago
  • Dashboard allows you to see the Dashboard tab on the My company page. This is access to the Dashboard of the manager and its data.

  • Work Schedule

    • Can see the Work Schedule — access to view employees' work schedules.

    • Can edit the Work Schedule — allows creating and editing an employee's work schedule.

  • Labors and Services ー allows accessing services list settings, and pricing settings.

    • Can view labors and services and their categories ー is a permission to access the My company > Services page.

    • Can create labors and services and their categories ー is a permission to create services and labors (display of the + Service button).

    • Can edit labors and services and their categories ー is a permission to edit information about the created labor and service and use bulk actions to them.

    • Can delete labors and services and their categories ー is a permission to delete labors and services.

  • Products

    • Can create new product — allows creating new products on the “My company > Products” page and during postings.

    • Can enable the tracking by serial numbers for existing products — allows enabling serialization for the products in stock.

    • Can edit products ー allows making changes in the Product profile (i.e., by product category, name, description, image, prices, stock control).

    • Can edit product categories ー allows creating, editing, and removing product categories on the “My company > Products” page.

    • Can delete products ー allows removing products along with all relevant information.

  • Bundles

    • Can view Bundles and their categories - access the My Company > Bundles page.

    • Can create bundles and their categories - the right to create bundles (displays the “+ Bundle” button)

    • Can edit bundles and their categories - the ability to edit bundles, bottom information, and content.

    • Can delete bundles and their categories - the right to delete bundles.

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