Here are a few steps for you to get started with cloud Orderry service and automate your business processes. We recommend using the Training Mode to quickly learn important information on each page.
Step 1. Enter the company information and upload a brand logo.
Orderry will use this data to autofill your Orderry document templates.
Navigate to the Settings > General page, fill out the Company details section (company name, address, time zone, email, company details, additional information), and upload a logo.
Step 2. Add users and configure their access rights.
Orderry suits both individual entrepreneurship and teamwork. The actions you can apply to your employees include but are not limited to the following:
monitor employee work
assign user roles (manager, engineer, cashier, etc) representing a set of rights
set up automatic calculation of base salaries and commissions, as well as accrue and pay salaries out
create an employee work schedule
track employee actions in the work order event feed or Activity Log report
You can add a new employee on the Settings > Employees page. You can see the Employees, Roles and Payroll Calculations Rules sections here.
Orderry enables you to configure the list of actions and app modules available for each of your employees. Remember, by configuring the role, you apply changes to every employee assigned to this role. You can create, edit, and remove user roles.
Find out more about user rights and permissions here.
You can set up employee salary (base salary, commissions, exceptional commissions) on the Payroll Calculation Rules tab.
Learn more about salaries in this article.
Hit the + Employee button to create a new one. Press the Save button as soon as you are done filling the required fields.
Remember: You should add an employee to your Paid Plan on the Settings > Subscription page upon the Plan purchase.
Step 3. Install the Orderry Dashboard mobile app to control the key performance metrics of your company and increase the security of your Orderry account. And your employees can install the Orderry Work Orders App to process work orders directly from their smartphones.
Step 4. Configure your work order statuses.
Your work orders are going through several stages from the application receiving to the client payment. Orderry allows you to create a work order lifecycle by setting the sequence of work order statuses and their duration.
Our software exposes 6 independent status groups: New, In progress, Pending, Done, Delivery, Closed, and Dropped off (the last to belong to the same group Closed).
This significantly simplifies work order management and task automation. Orderry divides your orders logically and visually for convenience's sake.
Upon the work order creation, the system assigns the New status to it. Your employees have to perform all other status changes manually.
Step 5. Configure the work order form.
Orderry provides you with a flexible work order form configuration for different order types. Navigate to Settings > Forms Editor > Work Orders page to edit the order form. Here, you can create new work order types and configure forms with needed fields for them.
Learn more about Forms Editor here.
Step 6. Configure printed document templates.
Our system generates and prints documents automatically with the configured templates right from your orders and sales.
Go to Settings > Print templates page to view the default templates divided into several groups:
Work Orders. You can print these from the specific work order cards or from the Work Orders page.
Order list. Print your orders list from the Work Orders page (for instance, the route list for delivery employees).
Invoices. You can prepare and print invoices on the Finance > Invoices page, as well as from the specific documents.
Sales. Print your sales documents during the sale processing via the Sales page (for instance, invoices).
Labels, Price tags. You can select your products or assets from Inventory page to print labels and price tags for them.
Edit your existing templates and create new ones on the Settings > Print Templates page. Find out more about the document template variables and how to use them in this article.
Step 7. Configure automatic SMS notification templates for your clients and employees.
Keep your employees updated on the new work order assignments and status changes with notifications. At the same time, let your clients know when the work order is done or ask for feedback with SMS notifications. Find out more about the Orderry Notification System here.
Step 8. Add locations, cashboxes, and warehouses.
Perform accounting for several locations, transfer your work orders and products between those, generate reports for all locations and each one in particular.
You can add a new location on the Settings > Locations page. Hit the + Location button, fill out the form, configure the location opening hours, and enable your employees to access this location. Find out more about location setup here.
Here at Orderry, we understand that monitoring your money flow is integral to efficient business management. This is why our software allows you to create as many cashboxes, as needed, set their types (cash or cashless), make the cashboxes local (working within the created location) or global (accessible from any location).
Add new cashboxes on the Finance > Payments page. Just press the + Add cashbox button, enter the cashbox name, type, and configure employee permissions. Hit the Save button, and there you have it.
Make sure you post your products and parts in the inventory before you attach them to your work orders and sales.
You can perform Inventory accounting for several warehouses. Go to the Settings > Warehouse page, press the + Product warehouse button, set the new warehouse name, type, and enable employee permissions. Hit the Save button.
That's it. You've performed an initial Orderry CRM configuration. You can now get down to work and create your new work order 👍